Monday, June 6, 2011

Yummy Curry

So in learning some new ethnic recipes, I have learned a few new tidbits as well. I got a recipe from a friend of my hubby's who served a mission somewhere where they serve Thai food, not sure where. So he makes Thai food often. I finally made it to a restaurant to have some Thai food, it was delicious! I have loved curry since the first time I had some with a family friend of Mike's when we were dating, and we make it every now and then, but we have just used the curry bars that you buy in the store. I wanted some authentic curry, so when I was back with my brother-in-law's family my sister-in-law made some curry from coconut milk, Tahi peanut sauce, chicken and curry powder from Bah-Rain (sp). I loved it and so wanted to try some for myself, here is the recipe that I came up with and it is very close to the yellow curry I had at the resaurant, Mike said he even liked mine better. Yay for me!


4 chicken breasts chopped
2 cans coconut milk
1 bottle Thai peanut sauce
3 TBS curry powder
1 bag of oriental veggies

cook chicken with olive oil, add frozen veggies to thaw. Meanwhile, mix coconut milk, peanut sauce and curry powder in a bowl. Add to other mixture when veggies have softened. Serve warm over rice.

Something I learned was about the difference between curry powder and curry paste. Most recipes call for curry paste, which gives it the truer Thai flavor, whereas curry powder gives you more of the Indian flavor. I also learned that it depends on where you get your curry powder, or what brand you use, makes a difference as well. I had some McCormick curry powder and some that I bought in bulk at Winco. Even just smelling them, there is a huge difference!! I opted to use the one I bought at Winco because it had the stronger curry smell as apposed to a sweeter turmeric smell that the other had. Like I said, it was very yummy, with a little spice to it as well. The only thing I would do different is to add some chopped potatoes to it as well, that is how the restaurants serve it, with them in the sauce. Also this makes A LOT of curry sauce, more than enough to feed 6 of us, with seconds for Mike and I, so I think it will serve at least 8 - 10 people! So adjust the recipe as you need, or just serve it for your next big family get together!