Saturday, August 11, 2012

90 day Visalus challenge

Wow how time flies and life just gets so busy! As I have complained about before, my weight has been an issue for a while. It doesn't help that my stress level is up there as well. I can't wait for my kids to start school! They just complain that they have to clean and read and ask for things, not that school would be much different, but the structure is missing and they always listen better to other people than mom and dad. Plus the nice break from each other would be greatly appreciated right now.

Anyway, back to my weight issues...I am one of those that think everyday that they are doing ok: "I didn't eat so bad today." "I did exercise (for about 10 mins)." But then each week, I see my weight go down by 3 lbs, then back up and sometimes more. Very frustrating. What's even more frustrating are the days that I make brownies or cookies or some kind of treat and then eat half the batch, weigh the next day and I've dropped 4 lbs!? What?! How does that work? So a few months back I decided to do a cleanse to clean out my system and try to jump start some healthy choices. It went pretty well, it was 21 days of a nasty tasting shake, lots of fish, chicken and lightly steamed veggies. I didn't mind for the first couple weeks, but the last week I was bad and didn't stick to it at all. I maybe lost 8 lbs. Not so effective for weight loss. I pretty much stopped going to the gym and just some things here and there and didn't really care to much. Now I am back to the "I want to be cute and skinny" stage, since my pants are fitting tighter and I look awful in a swim suit, plus i have to wiggle into it to even get it on. Not my idea of a fun time.

I have talked before of my most wonderful chiropractor, Tyson Bradford. He I the one that got me on the cleanse and been treating our family for allergies with NAET, which have helped us all out so much! Well, now he is gung ho about getting the world healthy! I love his ambition! So he found this most amazing product, it is called Visalus! Something to compare it to would be Herbal Life, Isagenix, Slim Fast, anything that has a meal replacement weight loss type shake. This is actually much cheaper than some of these. It is a shake, that is so yummy, that is packed full of vitamins, protein and all the good stuff you need to get healthy. I decided to take the 90 day challenge and go through the weight loss program and see what 90 can do for me. I have a goal to lose 20 lbs, but more would not make me sad! Toady I started two, let me rewind and tell you about day one:

Day 1 Body by Vi challenge

I started my day with a yummy shake of bananas, strawberries and the protein powder, salon with a couple supplements. Did I mention the shake smells like a cake mix and tastes a lot like ice cream? Yeah, I'm talking yummy! I also have an energy drink mix in, like Crystal Light, but with no caffeine, it is herb based. There is also an appetite suppressant that you mix with water when you a feeling hungry in between meals. And then I had a chicken breast, steamed broccoli, strawberries and a spoon of homemade Mac and cheese (can't pass up the homemade stuff, but was good to not eat to much). Overall, not a bad day. I even had energy all day long, which is something I have really been lacking lately, I LOVE that aspect of it. Just need to learn to portion control and I think I will be ok. Weighed in this morning, day 2, to find I was up 2 ounces from yesterday. I hope this is just a "gain before you lose" thing, otherwise, my body is messed up and I hope that this program will help to regulate it. I do love having the shakes though, they are so yummy and I feel like I am treating myself each time I have one. So even after the 90 days I will continue to have the shakes.

I haven't decided if I will sell this yet, to earn my product for free, but if I do, that would be great! It is such a great product, I love it already and it's only been one day.