Saturday, August 25, 2012

Challenge: day 15

Here I am, two weeks into this, 1/4 of the way done, which doesn't seem like much. I feel that I really haven't been trying very hard, which I haven't. And it does show! But I have also had a few things come into the mix, like camping, which I expected and did pretty good, but could have done better, and an unexpected surgery for my hubby that zapped my energy and motivation to do anything, plu I am taking care of him and my 5 kids, and a couple others, so by the time the day is over, I am wiped and can't bring myself to do much of anything.

On a more positive note, I am down about 3 lbs since day 1, which seems really awful, but with as little exercise as I have done, its to be expected. But I have stayed the same weight for over a week, so not bad, since I'm not gaining. Also a pretty big thing is how many inches you lose. I don't know how to figure that exactly, but I have lost 1/2 - 2 inches throughout my body. So I am seeing some results, which is wonderful! So I am starting to see results and I still have plenty of time to start dropping lbs!

 I still love the program and I still think my favorite is the energy drinks. These have saved me the last couple days with my lack of sleep from tuesday night and trying to catch up. All morning I am so exhausted and tired and by the afternoon all I want to do is lay down, but there is so much to do, so I can't just lay down and sleep any time I want to. With my energy drink I have been able to stay awake and alert and keep going. Still loving life! Until next time.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Challenge: day 14

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you can't muster up enough energy to get much done? I have really been feeling this way for a couple of days. I did so good monday night to clean my kitchen and have clean counter tops, now it's all I can do to even get the dishes in the dishwasher. I hope this is just the after effects of tuesday nights fiasco. Mike is doing pretty good. Still in some pain and uncomfortable, but doing ok.

Yesterday's challenge day went pretty good. Stuck to my shakes, but it was back to school night and they had Pizza Hut pizza, which is my favorite. I was trying to be so good, but my bad side came out and I had a piece. But just one, and I passed up all the cookies they had. So i feel I did good.

I have to say, I am very excited for the kids to go back to school. They seem to be as well, so we are getting everything ready. Got out the school clothes and getting them washed and ready to wear, book bags are ready, we met their teachers, they will be great, so now we need to get back into the swing of homework and reading. Dont know if I am ready for that yet, but I guess I will be when it gets here. So until tomorrow. Take care world.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Challenge: days 12 & 13

Man how exhaustion can come so quickly when you are deprived sleep!

The last two days of my challenge have been up and down! Day 12 went really well! I stuck to the plan and even passed up eating anything extra at the hospital. Yeah, the hospital. It seems like there is something with the hospital that screams "free food" or something that makes me want to eat. Or it could be the fact that 8 years ago I had twins in the NICU at McKay Dee hospital and I figured out really quick that they have the BEST snicker doodle cookies I have ever had! I think I ate one everyday while they were there.

Anyway, the reason for the hospital visit was, thankfully not for me, but for my dear husband! He had been having abdomen pain off and on since the night before and by 7 that night, he couldn't take it anymore. Ibuprofen hadn't touched it at all and he was in pain, so we went down to the ER and they did a pelvic X-ray thinking it was kidney stones. I guess that didn't turn up much, so they did a CT scan on his pelvis and came saying they had to take his appendix out. They say it is supposed to be about the size of the tip of your pinky finger and it was bigger than his thumb! Poor guy was rushed into surgery and had the little bugger taken out. I tried to get some sleep while waiting, but that is nearly impossible when you are trying to sleep in a chair.

I took my powerade and drank some of it, but resisted the urge to run to the cafeteria or out to a nearby fast food place. I was to nervous and anxious to eat anything anyway. So I feel I did well. That day. I left the hospital around 2:30 that night and came home to sleep for a few hours before my kids got up and wanted breakfast and I had to go back to the hospital to get Mike.

Yesterday I didn't do so well. I had my shake in the morning, but on the way back from the hospital to get my kids some lunch, I passed the new Kneaders down town and decided to stop to get the kids a cookie. They had a double chocolate frosted brownie that I just couldn't pass up, it looked so yummy. So I ate that with my lunch of leftovers. I was so exhausted and thought it might be best if I ate regular food. Then my dear friend brought us noodle bake and French bread for dinner, I couldn't pass that up either. So I ate to much yesterday. I did weigh yesterday morning and I was down about 2 lbs from Sunday, so I am seeing progress, I just need to be more strict with myself and not eat something because I can't pass it up.

Exercise had been minimal the last couple days, obviously. Nothing Tuesday, but last night the lawn needed to be mowed, and since Mike can't do much right now and my oldest son won't do it either, I am next in line. So I put on my Hot Pants and went out and mowed the lawn. I was sweating pretty good by the time I got done, so hopefully that means something. So today I am still exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open, so we'll see what today brings. So until tomorrow....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Growing up I hated camping and fishing and anything that had to do with the outdoors. I tried to carry that into my marriage, but when Mike and I decided to go camping for the first time a couple years after we were married, I have not been able to carry that since. I decided that when I was younger I didn't like being cooped up with my siblings. We also would always go camping to Island Park reservoir and we would sit on the bank all day with our fishing poles out there just waiting to catch something. I more than hated fishing for this reason. I thought it was so boring so I learned to bring books or cross stitches that I was working on at the time and sit out in the sun and try to stay busy.

When Mike and I decided to go camping and fishing a couple years into our marriage, I didn't know if I was going to enjoy it or not. We bought fishing licenses for Wyoming, we camped at Grays River, in a tent, which I had only done a handful of times before because we had a trailer growing up. He also taught me how to fish in the river, which I absolutely loved!

So over the last almost 12 years of marriage, we have been camping quite a fe times and fishing lots of times! We love the river fishing and were able to go into the high Uintas last year for our anniversary and I was pulling spawning cocane salmon out of the river right and left. When they spawn they turn red, so it was so fun to see all these red fish in the river. That was my most memorable fishing/camping trip and anniversary!

This year, we decided to go somewhere different.  We decided on Starvation Reservoir, which is right about Deushne. Once you get past Heber City through the next canyon, it all of the sudden gets so baron! It is all desert! Lots of sand, sage brush, jack rabbits and lizards. Camping was much different, since it was mostly sandy.  We even got our can stuck once and had to find someone to pull us out.

My kids are good at making new friends wherever we go, and they made friends with some people that were fishing for crawdads. It was so much fun, we will definitely be doing that again! It is really easy. You just tie a chicken leg in a piece of twine to a stick and put it out there like a fishing pole and just wait. That crawdads come out from under sticks and rocks and grab onto the chicken and you slowly pull them up and catch them with a net. They were going to have a crawdads boil and eat them, they say they are really good.

The kids also had fun playing in the reservoir and trying to stay cool, it was pretty warm during the day. Warm days and cool nights are so wonderful! We also had a little rain here and there. One night we decided to make the hour plus drive to Vernal. They have a sit down Pizza Hut, where we had dinner. We also wanted to drive by and see the temple there. It is very different. It's not white like most are, it is brick. We also went to the Museum of natural history there, where they had lots of dinosaur fossils that were dug in the Vernal area. Really fun.

By the end we were so exhausted and just wanted to get home, so we just packed up first thing and took off when we were ready. We stopped back in Heber City and had lunch and let the kids play at the park and then on to home. It really was the most wonderful camping trip full of fun and crawdads! We plan to make it back there another time. Hope your family camping trips are just as uh fun as ours have been! Now on to planning the next one!

Challenge: day 11

Day 11 went well! Doing good with the shakes, just finding out that I need to modify a few things. I realize I have been getting way to many fruits, not enough veggies and the wrong kind of snacks. Had some trail mix, which is pretty good for you, other than the yummy m&ms. The couple cookie I had that day though, aren't the right thing to eat. I need to be more strict with myself. Had a double turkey burger with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes, yum! And some cauliflower. I was going to go to the gym this night, but I had an allergy treatment and you are not supposed to exercise within 6 hours of a treatment, so instead I put on my Hot Pants and cleaned my kitchen! I worked up quite a sweat, and my kitchen was so clean! I haven't seen my counter top in I don't know how long! Months maybe! The only thing I didn't get done was the floor mopped. I even got the towels folded and put away and the family room cleaned. I got a lot done and may have lost a couple inches in the process, very pleased with myself. So I am learning from my mistakes and day 12 will be just great!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Challenge: days 6 - 10

So it has been a little while since the last post, as I said it would be. So to backtrack, day 6 was busy and full of preparing for camping: packing, cleaning, finding everything, you know how it goes. I did pretty well with my diet, trying to eat good, etc. I did have a candy bar that night, which I shouldn't have, but in finding things, found that one of my kids had taken it from my room and was hiding it, so obviously something had to been done about that. I did find one of my favorite treats that I want to keep on hand. I don't know how bad they are for you, but they are called apricot coconut logs. You find them at Winco in the bulk section. I think they are dried, ground apricots rolled in coconut. It's not even sweetened coconut I don't think, but they have just enough sweet and flavor and are yummy. I love shopping at Winco!

Day 7 was our first camping day. I had my shake in the morning and figured while camping I would just try to take it easy and have a shake for breakfast and then we planned sandwiches for lunch and hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner, not the best I know. Well, I had my shake in the morning and then by lunch, we didn't want to stop somewhere and try to make sandwiches, so we stopped at Carl's Jr. I wasn't very good. I had a crispy chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries, but I am doing good with no soda, I had light lemonade. Then we headed on to Starvation reservoir.  (I will post pics and more about that later).

We set up camp that night and made some hamburgers and hotdogs. I had a hamburger with a whole wheat thin bun. Have you ever tried those? We love them for burgers and sandwiches. I don't feel like I have a huge bun with my burger. I was good though, I passed up s'mores!

Day 8 and 9 were pretty much the same, shake for breakfast, sandwich for lunch with chips, but on Friday we decided to drive into Vernal. It is just over an hour from Starvation, and it was going to rain, so we decided to go see the temple there. It is quite different than most, it is not white, it is brick. We also went to the museum of natural history, since there are many dinosaur bones and fossils that have been found around the Vernal area. It was kind of fun, a good way to kill time. Then we stopped at Pizza Hut, since they have a sit down one there, and had some pizza and cheese sticks. We were so exhausted the end of that day, Mike was asleep sometime after 9, I didn't go to sleep until after 11.  The next day we had breakfast and packed up. It was hot and we worked hard and it took us at least an hour to get everything packed up, so I felt like I worked off e everything I ate, which was a shake and some hash browns. That day we stopped in Heber City and let the kids play at the park and had sandwiches. We were home early enough that day to relax and put some things away and then to have left over hamburgers and hotdogs that we didn't eat there.

Day 10 was Sunday again, always an easy day to be good. I weighed myself first thing and noticed, that even with camping and not eating well, I only gained 2 oz, so I'm not to far behind what I was a week ago, but now I need to make this week really count! I had my two shakes yesterday and for dinner had ratatouille! Have you ever had it? I love it! I found the recipe at www. under her recipe section. It has eggplant, zucchini/yellow squash, onions, peppers, chicken, spices and tomatoes. We got eggplant for our co op last week and I decided to make that. We eat it over brown rice, it is really good, so I got my lean meat, lots of veggies, a fruit and a whole grain. Not bad for a balanced meal. So I am learning. Hope you all have a great day, I will post about our camping trip and later when I can pull pics off my camera and will post my accomplishments again tomorrow.