Monday, October 22, 2012

Challenge: days 62-73

Yeah, it's been that long since I last posted! What is wrong with me? I guess I just feel like I didn't have much to write about lately. But here is what has been going on lately...

My challenge has been going ok. I decided to start eating lunch and dinner and just do a shake for breakfast, which was going pretty well, i was doing salads and chicken at lunch and then just slimming down my portions at dinner. Was doing good until we went on vacation last week, but I'll get to that soon.

Mike took a day and went elk hunting. He spent all day walking and looking, didn't find any elk but came within 100 yards of a huge bull moose! He was excited and a little scared at the same time. He was planning on three days to go out, but one day of walking did him in, we are all out of shape at our house and can't walk for to long before you just have to stop.

Last week was fall break for my kids, so we took off and went to Evanston where we stayed in a hotel for three nights, which we realized was one day too long for the kids. We took one day and just hung out and went shopping and took a drive to a ghost town where they have charcoal kilns that you can walk through. My kids loved it, and we saw tons of deer right off the road. It was lots of fun. Friday we were supposed to go to the Uintas and take ATVs out. I ended up staying back at the hotel with two boys that had had stomach bugs and my daughter that had a cough. We walked down the street to a flying j and got some drinks and lunch and just hung out and watched movies all day. Mike and the two boys that went had a lot of fun though and even saw a momma moose with a baby. We love the Uintas they are so fun.

Being cooped up in a small room all day made me a little crazy, so I decided to go grocery shopping
in Evanston. Yeah, kind of a funny thing to do on vacation but smiths had a great sale and some of the things I wanted didn't need a freezer, so I just left them in my car. I love when I can get a killer deal on groceries, and in wyoming, they don't have a food tax, so I didn't even have to pay tax when I was there. This sale was so good, with tons of free items! I bought 122 items: betty Crocker cake mixes, cookie mixes, Mac and cheese, boxed potatoes, general mills cereal, fiber one bars, Chex mix and sodas. So before tax and coupons my total was $173.69. In the end, I ended up paying $53.99 and still have $20.75 in Catalina's to use next time I go! I saved $119.70. When you average the cost and items together, each item cost me less than 44 cents a piece! Not to bad at all! 

So now I am home, enjoying being back, even though my house looks like a war zone with everything from vacation everywhere. And I got a touch of the stomach bug my kids had last week. I have just had a rolling tummy all day. I don't feel sick, just the tummy.

This challenge seems to have been to long for me. The first month wasn't to bad, I did pretty good, but then I just plateaued from there and didn't feel like sticking to the plan. At least I haven't gained tons of weight, especially after eating continental breakfast every morning for three days plus lunch and dinner out those days to, I didn't gained but a couple pounds, now back to life and hopefully back to eating better and doing better! I hope you all are doing well and enjoy life as much as I do. Until next time!