Monday, August 15, 2011

Seriously I have not posted in almost a month and a half?! This is crazy! I am such a slacker sometimes, but I have also been very busy. July was full of camping and lots of family fun! I also participated in a bike ride for Parkinson's Disease. It was just very busy. Now we are into August and we getting ready to send back the kiddie to school. They start next Wednesday, I can't wait! Oh and the kids are excited to.

We started a neew adventure this past week that has worked out pretty good so far. We got a cat! Not a kitten, but a cat. He is older which is nice, as well as declawed and fixed. He doesn't seem to like the kids much and will just hide all day, but he comes out at night and will be with me and Mike, although Mike seems to not like cats at all. Oh well.

So for young women's last week we wanted to do something with the girls that they could make but not have to turn on the oven. So I decided on waffle iron cookies, homemade ice cream and hot fudge sauce. It turned out great and they were very yummy. So here is the recipe for waffle iron cookies:

Waffle Iron Cookies

2 eggs beaten
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 cup flour
3 TBS cocoa

Mix sugar and melted butter with beaten eggs. Add vanilla. Stir in flour and cocoa. Pour in waffle iron 1 cup at a time. Cook 2-3 minutes. These are so yummy but very sweet, so you might want add a little salt so they aren't quite so sweet. But enjoy they are one of my favorites and very easy to make!

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