Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

A very happy New year to everyone! It has been over a year since I last posted! So much has happened since then! In November 2013 I went back to work after 9 years off being a stay at home mom. It was a big step and sacrifice for our family, but I have loved every minute of it! I have worked with with some really great people and had some really great clients!

I have still been able to spend time with my wonderful family as well. We started out 2014 with a funeral for a dear family friend. It was sad, but we are so thankful for the plan of salvation and the knowledge that we will see our family and friends again after this life.

I have been on the stake young women camp committee now for two years. I love working with the young women in the stake and being able to work with such great committee members to plan our young women camps the last two summers. We have been truely blessed and guided through each camp and each planning for camp. The Lord loves each of us and especially our youth! They need His guidance in their lives and young women's camp helps them recognize the spirit and what it feels like.

I have made some really great friends over the last year and did some fun things. I have ran a few 5ks in the last year or so and have loved them. I don't know if I could do much more than that though. The 3.1 miles at one time is pretty far me.

I broke my ankle half way through the year and was in a cast and on crutches for about 6+ weeks. Not a fun thing to go through in the summer. My garden got neglected and everything turned out awful! I didn't have anything to can in the fall except the wonderful peaches that came from our tree. I had to find tomatoes to can. Thanks to family I was able to put a little away this year.

I also decided that I wanted to have a job a little closer to home. I have been working in Roy about a 20 minute drive from here which I have loved, but I have gotten so sick of the drive. In July I decided I was also tired of cutting hair in my little kitchen, so I decided to venture out on my own and rent a booth not far from home where I can pay as I go and have a chair and sink for the growing clientele I have. I have loved being on my own and just weeks ago decided that we don't really need my income too much right now, so I have gone to working in Roy one night a week to still have my clients there, but then spend a little more time here building a good clientele so that when my daughter is in school more, I can go to work and be busy there.It will be some long days and quite slow until I have a good clientele, but it will be worth it!

Well that is my year very condensed! I hope you all had a great year as well! I am excited for a new year with new adventures. My goals this year are going to help my family. I am so excited to begin sharing that journey with everyone as well. I am going to take this year and build my food storage and emergency preparedness  supplies to get our family prepared how we need to for any situation and I plan to take you with me on that journey. This should be everyone's goals every year, but I know it's hard to find the money and the time.

This blog may end up a food storage and emergency blog with all I'm going to fill it with, but I also want to talk finances and other practical things like that, so please come back often and see what I am doing and get suggestions of things to help your family as well. Happy New Year!

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