Thursday, January 15, 2015

My goal this year is to blog more, I was hoping for everyday, but already I've missed a couple. That's ok, this is still more than in the blast year!

Continuing on with our being prepared goal for the year, we got paid yesterday, so now I am trying to decide what will be the best way financially to continue to stock up and keep stocked, what I need.

First, I will make a menu. Sometimes I am good to make one a month at a time, but I have misplaced my folder with all my papers for that. So until I find it, I will do a weekly menu. I have come up with a roast for Sunday (probably pork because they are cheaper) with red potatoes and a veggie. Monday will be sloppy Joes with homemade French fries, which are so easy to make! Tuesday: breakfast. Wednesday:pot pie, homemade. Thursday: Shepard pie. Friday: potato soup. And saturday: spaghetti.

With this menu and also buying the fruits and veggies we need, I should be able to spend about $20 on food storage stock up and about $5 on emergency stuff. Should be a good week. Ill let you know how it goes!

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