Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Financial Story

I read a very inspiring story from a fellow "co-worker" (she teaches for Grocery Smarts as well). Reading her story of how she saves money, made me think of my last 10 years of marriage to the most wonderful man! We have had our ups and down and finaniacially we have struggled through every year. We ar finally to the point in our lives where we don't have much debt, other than the medical bills from last year and the new windows that will purchase to be able to get our home to a point that is comfortable to live in. We have always had some sort of debt which has been really hard for me to think that we have this hanging over our heads. We have been counseled and counseled by our church leaders to stay of debt and that they weighs heavily on my mind every time we put something on credit. We are however very good about planning ahead as to how we are going to pay these things off. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful job that pays very well. We are also fortunate to receive tax returns (we do have 5 kids) that have been very good. And then we receive a bonus every year in August, so we can plan our purchases around those dates and know that things will get paid off quickly.

I have a wonderful money savvy husband who loves to spend money, but has also realized over the years that is important for us to save money and specify what money is for. We have even gone so far as to have multiple bank accounts that have certain amounts deposited each month for specific things like, medical, auto, groceries, and savings. To me it is quite frustrating, but it makes sense and then we know how much we have to pay toward each thing.

When Mike and I were married almost 10 1/2 years ago, we started out marriage in debt with not discussion of how to get out, other than the occasional we discussion that we needed to get out of debt. We moved from our hometowns to Logan, UT so that Mike could start college at Utah State University. We found a little home to rent and we both signed up to work temp jobs. I had just recently graduated from cosmetology college in Idaho and was not all that interested in trying to test in Utah to get my license. I remember one morning getting a call from the temp agency at 8 o'clock in the morning, with a job for me at the hospital in the medical billing that could turn into a full time job. I turned it down, since she had woken me up that morning. I kick myself now, but realize that everything happens for a reason.

I then found a job working as a hostess at a restraunt. It was hard getting to work at 5:30 in the morning and working around old guys that like to hit on you. I couldn't handle that for very long and decided it would be best to take the Utah cosmetology test and get my license. It took me 3 times and $50 each time to pass the test but I finally did. I then got a job at a cut little salon but it was on a comission bassis, so needless to say it didn't pay hardly anything. At the same time Mike was working hard to pay the bills and keep us above water.

We had so much debt that just wasn't getting any smaller. Each week we would go shopping for the week for groceries and come home with over $100 in food and go back the next week just to do it all over again.We finally broke down and humbled ourselves and asked our family for help. We were able to get a loan from family to pay off our car, credit cards and the student loan I had. We were finally debt free, but not for long. We kept slipping into debt and not knowing how to manage our finances.

I quit my job and the little salon after a month because we just needed money. I got a job at another salon that was much better and I got paid hourly. Eventually I was even promoted to assistant manager which was a little better pay. At this time Mike was working full time and also going to school full time. He was struggling with keeping up with his classes and trying to work. On top of that I found out I was pregnant. Mike came to me and told me that he could not continue to do both that I would have to work and put him through school. I did not like tat idea but I knew it needed to be done. So Mike quit working to focus on school.

Being pregnant was awful. I was very sick and had to be on medication to help. I was always in the bathroom and had to just work around being sick. We were very fortunate at this time with only one job and my husband in school that we qualified for Medicaid and WIC. We didn't have to worry about medical bills and we were able to get milk, eggs, cheese and some cereal from WIC to help us out. My paychecks were able to pay our bills and whatever I made in tips is what bought our groceries, which some days wasn't much.

Sturggling with being pregnant and sick paid a toll on my work status and I ending losing my job the day before Thanksgiving. I was devastated and didn't know how I could take care of my family. It took me a while but I finally found a new job at another salon. It paid the bills that's all that mattered.

A few months later my first son was born and four weeks after he was born I was back to work, we couldn't do with out it. I was blessed with a boss who was very flexible with me and allowed me to work split shifts so that I could be home when Mike was in class and Mike could be home while was at work, so we very rarely had to get a sitter, which saved tons of money! Diapers were so expensive but I didn't think much of it, we always bought a box a Sam's Club when we needed them.
To be continued...

Our Financial Story part 2
Our Financial Story part 3
Our Financial Story part 4

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