Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I can not believe it has been over 3 months since I last posted! We have been crazy busy and whenever I think about it, I can't get on my blog from my iPad. So much has happened and time flies so fast I can't believe it! Thanksgiving was nice where we had family come to us. We smoked a couple turkeys and roasted one, it was a big hit. We have smoked a lot of things. This is my husbands new found passion and we have so much fun, from fish, to chicken, to turkey, to ham at Christmas, which didn't turn out the best, but hey we tried.

Christmas was also nice. We have loved being able to stay home with our family and enjoy presents and food without having to pack up our 5 kids and all our stuff and try to travel somewhere. My family came the next day to share some gift exchange and dinner.

Now it's a new year, with new challenges and resolutions. I have learned not to set myself to many resolutions because, like most peoples, they get thrown out the window within the first couple weeks. I really want and NEED to lose some weight. I have gained 10 pounds or more over the last couple years, since having my little girl, so that is where I want to start, but I still eat pretty much what I want and don't exercise consistently like I should, so I fluctuate about 5 lbs up or down each week. I also can't seem to find the motivation to start exercising and getting into shape or the desire to eat right.

My husbands family is doing a contest per say, that they call "The better Bunnell's". It's a contest in the sense that we get points for doing different things each day and then in the end we get prizes. They did this last year and we started to participate but it got really hard trying to keep track of all of my points as well as all of my kids. We also set goals and if you achieve that goal, you get a prize to, I think. Lots of fun. So my first goal is to lose the ten pounds I have gained, which is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be. Any suggestions would be great. I did weight watchers three years ago and did good with it, I just have a hard time trying to remember to write down my points. I need to find something to help me.

My next goal after that is to lose another 10 ponds. Wish me luck. I want to be able to put on a pair on jeans that are my size and not have them cut into my waist. Or walk and be able to feel my behind moving. Plus the health benefits will be great in the long run. Wish me lots of luck. Until next time....

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