Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chia Seed

I have done fairly well the last couple of days trying to learn about whole grains. I have learned, I need to eat more! Whole grains are good for you and they fill you up, without making you fat. One of my favorite people who have helped me learn more about health is Zonya. I don't know her last name, but she has had a cooking show on PBS. She also has a website ( where she has lots of healthy recipes and also exercise tips. Another person is the Food Nanny, who aslo has a cooking show on PBS where she teaches families how to eat together healthily and also how to love being together as a family. You can google either of these ladies or catch their programs on PBS (we don't have cable, but we do get local channels, so we watch a lot of PBS, but it's better than Nickelodean or any of those other kids stations.)

Yesterday, someone on Facebook posted something about Chia Seeds. I had never heard of these before, oh, yeah those fun little chia pets that grow grass. I'm not sure if they are the same thing, I'm sure they are, but people have come to find that Chia seeds are VERY good for you!! They help with weight loss, and add so much to your diet. From the post this is what I learned about chia seeds:

"Chia got its name from the Mayan word for "strength". The ancient Aztec warriors used Chia seeds during long journeys, because of their ability to increase stamina and energy over long periods of time. Also known as the "Indian running food", chia seeds are perfect for runners and people who do aerobic exercise.

Chia contains 3 times more calcium than skim milk.

They have a unique combination of soluble and insoluble fiber combined to slow down your body's conversion of starches into sugars and keep you fuller longer.

Chia seeds have more Omega-3 fatty acids than salmon! It has one of the most concentrated sources of Omega-3 in any food.

With nearly nearly 11 grams of fiber per ounce, chia delivers 42% of your recommended daily value of fiber in a single serving.

They absorb 12 times their weight; when inside your body, the seeds help you stay hydrated longer, and retain elecrolytes.

The fiber in chia helps slow digestion and makes you feel fuller longer, making then an ideal food for weight loss.

Chia seeds take on the taste of whatever you add them to. Make chia seed pudding, add them to smoothies, dressings, dips, sauces and more."

On the picture it had the website, which is a great source if you are trying a whole foods diet. They have lots of information and videos on cooking.

I was thinking you would just add them straight to something, but the more I have looked, the more people say to make a gel with them. When you add them to water, they make a gel, which is what makes you feel fuller longer. I have also heard that they help to clean out your digestive system. I googled recipes with chia seeds and came across this website:, I watched a short video clip about how to make the gel and the gal there also said she uses this when she has an upset stomach and that it helps her daughter so much who is lactose intolerant. So many uses from such a small seed!

I have a friend who said she went to Winco the other day and bought some in the bulk section. I went last night and they had nothing left. Guess everyone is finding out about them. I got online to Amazon though and found some there for a little less than Wincos price per pound plus free shipping, so I did that instead. I will also have a big stock for quite a while. I'm hoping this can help me with my weight loss!

Speaking of weight loss...I have a cousin who has done the "3-day diet" and she and her husband both lost a lot of weight on it. I have a friend who has done it a few times to and they all liked it. I decided to try it to see if I could jump start something in me. I made it through the first day just fine and was feeling pretty good, but maybe getting to bed a little late that night caused something in me, but day 2 was awful! Day 2 you eat a little less than day one, so I couldn't just spread it out like I did with the first day. By 2 o'clock on the second day, I was starving, so I had a protein bar. By 5 o'clock I had some major stomach cramps that went up into my chest, it was awful! But after dinner I felt much better! I don't know if my blood sugar was just low or if it just wasn't enough food at lunch, but I don't know if I could do that again. I have decided that I will just stick to eating healthy, adding more whole grains, and trying to just eat less in general and listen to my body. If you are interested in learning more about the 3-day diet, you can go here:

Have a wonderful day! All things are possible through God, keep living!

1 comment:

  1. I have found that eating a Whole Food/non-processed diet is the key to achieve and maintain perfect weight! :) I have dropped 15-20 pounds so far! :)

    Here is a great recipe I would like to try, and thought I'd share it with you since you discussed Chia in your post!
