Friday, February 22, 2013

Whole grains!

My sister in law gave me a website for a gal that has a chia seed pudding recipe. It looks really good, and seems pretty easy, I think I will try it just as soon as I get my chia seeds. I am very excited! (See previous post.) Here is where you can find that recipe.

Still learning about whole grains! We all know that at least half of the grains we consume should be whole grains, but how do you go about doing that? It is actually quite simple! More so than we think! I did a little research through a couple websites and found some good suggestions.

From the May Clinic:

Whole grains are:
* Naturally low in fat.
* Linked to lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health problems.

How to enjoy more whole grains in your diet:
* Eat breakfasts that include whole-grain cereals, such as bran flakes, shredded wheat or oatmeal.
* Substitute whole wheat toast or whole grain bagels for plain bagels. Substitute low-fat bran muffins for pasteries.
* Make sandwiches using whole grain breads or rolls. Swap out white flour tortillas with whole wheat versions.
* Replace white rice with kasha, brown rice, wild rice or bulgur (and I would add quinoa and cous cous to this one).
* Feature wild rice or barley in soups, stews, casseroles and salads.
* Add whole grains, such as cooked brown rice or whole grain bread crumbs, to ground meat or poultry for extra body.
* Use rolled oats or crushed bran cereal in recipes instead of dry bread crumbs.


* Make whole grain pilaf using a mixture of barley, wild rice, brown rice, broth and spices. Optional: stir in toasted nuts or chopped dried fruit.

* Choose foods that name one of the following whole grain ingredients first on the label's ingredient list:
brown rice
rolled oats
whole grain barley
whole grain corn
whole grain sorghum
whole grain triticale
whole oats
whole wheat
wild rice

I am still researching, but if you thought there was no way you could switch to whole grains, I just showed you how. Now this doesn't mean you have to go completely to ALL whole grains. Some people do choose that, but sometimes our stomachs can't handle a complete change, or maybe our pocket book can't handle the change. Some of these whole grains do cost more than your white rice or white flour. This is one thing I do not understand. If something is good for us, don't you think it should cost less? I think the FDA has their priorities in the wrong place.

My family has come to love brown rice, I have bought "100% whole wheat bread" for many years (I've heard white bread is like eating sugar), my kids ask for cous cous, which I don't buy all that often, but we do love it, and now I will be trying quinoa, which I have heard is very good for you.

Anyway, I am continuing to research and learn more, there is SOO much out there! I will continue to bring you updates and suggestions. I love food, I love cooking, and want my health! Along with good health comes increased energy and a clear mind. Which is one thing I really need. The thought came to me recently, "How can we receive the inspiration from our Heavenly Father when our bodies and minds are not clear?" We can't. Eating healthy and keeping our bodies healthy will help with this.

I hope you all enjoy my little updates and insights into whole grains and will continue to follow me as I continue to learn more. I love learning and love life and I hope you do too. Have a great day!

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