Monday, February 1, 2016

So April was literally 10 months ago and that is exactly how long it's been since my last post. You can obviously tell I am not doing this for the money or anything!

Looking back though, the last 10 months have gone by way too fast! Between birthdays, holidays and the evident sale of our old house and purchase our new house, we have been super busy!

We finished up all the necessary tweakings on our house and got it ready to sell! We were quite nervous with all that we had put into it, and all that had happened to it over the last 10 years. We went through a lot in that house!

We got it up on the market with a great realtor, that helped us out so much! Within the first few days, we had 8 showings! ALL in the same day! Our realtor said she had never had that many showings in one day, other than an open house.

We were so excited and had an offer in hand by the following day. A couple days into the contract she had to back out for financial reasons, but we were still on the market and still going strong! We had more showings and had other offers. We got were under contract with a cute couple with two boys that were really excited to have the house and the yard and everything. It was a 7 week contract and 4 weeks in, they had to back out too. Kind of frustrating, but kind of a blessing.

During that time, we had looked at many houses, ranging from really nice to ones that needed lots of love. I really didn't want to get back into a house that needed too much work done, we had already done so much, I was over fixing up houses!

We looked and looked and just weren't finding anything in our area that was big enough or worth the money. We decided we needed to look outside of our area and venture north to some of the smaller towns in the next county over.

We found a few that were nice, some that needed to be finished and some that were just awful. I had found a home I really wanted, it had everything: 6 bedrooms, two family rooms, and office, a sewing room, a huge storage room and cold storage, a large kitchen...I was ready to put an offer on it! We decided we would look at one more round of homes and if we didn't find anything, we would put an offer on that home.

We scheduled a day with our realtor and looked at a few more homes. There was one house that she just threw into the mix, thinking we should at least look at it, since it had a salon in the basement. I had seen it many times on line, but kept passing it by because it was built in the last '70s. It was the last one we looked at that day.

It had an open floor plan with a large kitchen (huge must for me), two family rooms, with wood burning stoves, the salon, larger bedrooms for the kids, and cold storage, and a huge barn out back with .7 acres of open land that is great for the kids to run and play!

I didn't like that is was so old, but it had been updated with tile throughout the house, except on stairs and in bedrooms, new kitchen cupboards and counter tops, etc. But as we left this house, it was as if every other house we had looked at hadn't even existed! We knew we were supposed to be there, but we didn't know why. The home was definitely not what we ever would have picked for ourselves, but the Lord needed us here for some reason!

Now we have been here for 6 months, and we love it! The town is so awesome! We have never felt more welcome in a ward or a neighborhood! We kept having people tell us they had been waiting for us to come. Now that we have been here a while, I have people telling me it feels like we have been here forever.

I feel the same! At times I forget we lived for 10 years in our last house and ward. We loved it there so much and miss all the people we know there, but the Lords plan is what is in place now and this is how and where we are supposed at this time!

We love the Lord for all the blessings He has given us!

Now with the larger home and me being able to work from home, we are starting a new adventure of foster care! We know there are kids out there that need us and that are supposed to be with our family, we now on that path to find them and complete one more of the Lords assignments for us!

I know it will be a hard road, but one that is filled with many treasures and blessings!

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