Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Update to yesterday's post:

I'm sorry, I failed to mention yesterday in my post about our house, that it is not easy to sell a house! We have one of the best realtors and it was still a big challenge for us. We went through a few offers before we finally found the one that stuck. And even then, we had to have an extension on the new loan we were getting for the house we were buying because of how far into the 7 week contract we were. Then we had to file for another extension towards the end, because we were number 4 in the line up of people trying to sell houses and buy another.

Technically we didn't even own our house until almost after we had moved in, because all of the things that needed to happen took longer than expected. Thankfully we were working with some amazing finance people and a great realtor and also the people we buying from and the people purchasing our house!

Along with all the financial difficulties we had getting to our new home, we also had to replace the roof on the barn that is on the property. That was FHA mandatory before we could even move in, which we all thought ridiculous, since it is an out building and not even near the house, so shouldn't make much of a difference, but to them it does because of the size of the building. It really is the size of a small house!

Looking back, everything worked out the way it was supposed to, but if it were my choice, I would definitely do things different, like sell our house first, with all papers signed, and either move somewhere to rent for a while, or wait a week to sign papers on the new place and find somewhere to stay for a week. Trying to sign papers and move and make sure your house really is sold and that new one really is going to work, is just a huge pain!

As it is though, we did it all, we are here, and we are happy!

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