Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 2 & 3 Body by Vi challenge

Can I just tell you how good I am feeling! I am absolutely loving this challenge! Now I need to start off by saying if you are interested at all in this product and getting the best health, go to this website:

This is the Dr that is my mentor through this. He and his wife are some of my most favorite people! They are young, like me :), and health conscious and want the best for everyone. He sells these products and can be right there with you helping you down this road! He can also answer any questions you might have through your challenge!

Anyway, day 2 was Saturday, which is usually a hard day for me to be good. I actually did pretty good, but I didn't eat much of a snack in the afternoon and by the time I had dinner on the table, I was famished and we got a pizza from Walmart to bake (these are really good pizzas). Now this wasnt really all that bad, I cut the pieces pretty small, but I was just so hungry, I did over eat a little *hang head in shame* but I still felt it wasn't too bad. Just need to control.

Day 3 was Sunday, an easy day for me to be good. I started off by weighing myself. I weighed last Sunday morning as well and within the week, lost 4 lbs! Two days of that was on my Vi challenge. I love that I was just able to lose instead being the same from Sunday to Sunday. Anyway, Sunday is pretty easy because of church, I am not home for 3+ hours during the day to worry about food, so I take a small snack to eat in between my classes, this works well. I also took my energy drink to drink during the afternoon. Sunday dinner was chicken enchiladas, which were very yummy, and I only had one, so yay for me not taking another! This is one of my favorite dishes and I usually go overboard, so I feel I did well. Then I had some popcorn with my hubby when we watched our show. I have the 99% fat free kind and it is really good, but I should get even more healthy and just pop my own from bulk kernels, I have tons. So I feel that I have done really well over the last week.  I am loving life! I feel great! And I feel that I am on a good path to where I want/need to be. My goal to lose 20 lbs is well within reason and I am very confident that I can get to that goal within the 90 days and if I exceed that, then all the more better! Now I need to just figure out how to firm up the skin on the back of my arms! I lead the singing in sacrament meeting and I think I had some very "relief society arms" going on! (that's what we called it when I was younger) so I need to get rid of the flapping arms, hopefully lifting weights will help that, I plan to start this week lifting, so that I don't have people laughing at me as I'm leading. I would probably start laughing with them, even knowing they are laughing at me! It's good to laugh at yourself though, right? All the more reason to get it in shape fast to save myself the embarrassment! Well until tomorrow, keep on living!

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