Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 5

Day 5 of my challenge went well. I did well with my shakes and eating wasn't to bad. I do need to eat more veggies though I realize. I love the energy drink mix, I think that is my favorite in how I feel. I was starting to get kind of tired by 1:30 or 2 and just mixed that up and immediately felt so much better! I love that it is natural to, no caffeine! It is all herb based, so very good for you! It just perks you up and makes you feel good.

I did exercise a little, which consisted of my shake weight. A 6 minute workout with that make we fell like I have been lifting weights for hours. My arms were sore! I have to firm up my "relief society arms" though so Sundays aren't embarrassing for me.

Overall my 90 day challenge is going great! I am loving every minute of it. I feel great, I am starting to lose weight and inches and I foresee a shopping trip in my near future!

A couple weeks ago I discovered something called energy profiling. It is quite fascinating! I have come to find I am very much a type 1! I am bubbly, animated, want everyone to be happy, have many ideas that most get started and not finished, even down to the way I cook and clean is very much type 1! I just need to learn what kind of things to wear for my type and my wardrobe will be much less hanging in the closet and more wearing. If you are interested in learning more, go to You can learn about your energy profile for free. It is pretty fun. Carol Tuttle is one that discovered this and she lives in Salt Lake, so kind of fun for her to be so close. Go check it out for yourself.

I may not have another post for a few days, since we are leaving tomorrow to go camping for a few days. It will be so much fun, but I don't know how well it is going to work with this challenge. I will take enough for shakes in the morning, but we will be hiking and out and about after that and I don't know how well a shake will do being packed around, so I am taking trail mix, fruit, veggies and will just take it easy and try not to overdo it on my eating. One thing nice though will be that we will be walking a lot, so I should work off most of what I eat. Wish me luck and everyone have a fun few days. While I'm gone, check out my older posts, there are some yummy recipe concoctions of my own as well as other ideas and fun things. See you when I get back.

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