Monday, August 13, 2012


I am so hooked on reading lately! I absolutely love my kindle app and have over 800 books just waiting for me to read! I get new ones every week, and I think I have only paid for 3! Some of these books that I have read so far have been so good! I am loving it! Murder mystery are some of my favorites. One was by a gal in cache valley that took place there and was about a girl who ran a 5k and then won an entry to the St George marathon and went through her training, while at the same time, she finds out her dad, who was shot years ago is still alive and has been helping free slaves outside the country who are being shipped here. It was so good and got me started into running.

My most recent book is one that I bought from  Desseret Book to get discount Lagoon passes. It is called "The Walk" by Richard Paul Evans. I have loved his books. This one I couldn't put down and finished in two days, only to find out that there is two more books that come after and another to come. It was a great story about a guy who loses his wife to an accident and leaves everything to walk from Seattle to Florida! All the books go through the people that he meets along the way and how he helps them in one way or another. I am going to go look for the next books. I found them on kindle for about $8, but I think I want them in print. There was something in this first book that really touched me and I want to share with you, because you never know who might come into our lives and even though they may not be with us for long, they always leave something with us that we remember and learn from, so here is what I want you to think about:

"God puts people in our lives for a reason. Only through serving others can we save ourselves."

Isn't that great!? My challenge to you: find someone you can serve today, in anyway at all! You will be blessed and so will they, and our world will a little better because of us! Love you!

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