Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Challenge: day 33

Fall is finally here! I love fall and have been waiting for the cooler weather. I have been opening my windows at night and when I came down this morning, I almost froze! Looked at the temp outside, it said 47 at 6:30 this morning. No wonder I was freezing. I had to actually close the windows and my poor kids were just shivering. It is nice to have cooler nights though.

With the cooler weather comes the yummy fall produce! I get so excited for squash and peaches and salsa! It takes time to can it all, but it do worth it when you have that all for the next year! Planning a trip to the fruit belt this week. We get paid Friday, so I need to go get some peaches to can and some squash to eat and freeze. I'm trying to get through some of the pumpkin I have in my freezer so I have made pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bars. I am always trying different ways to make things like this more healthy. Wish I had more time and endless ingredients, then I would be in baking mode all the time and trying new things all the time.

I got hooked on a show called DC Cupcakes the last week. It's about two sisters that started a cupcake shop together. They have tons of different kinds of cupcakes and even do huge displays for different things out of cupcakes. They are always trying to come up with new and different cupcakes as well. That made me want to go do the same thing. I don't know about cupcakes, I would just eat them all, but I would love to experiment with different kinds of muffins! Those seem to be my specialty lately and I don't just make a dozen, it's usually 2 or more! I've said for a while now that I would love to go to culinary arts school and learn how to combine ingredients and spices to make yummy tasting things. I have also said I would love to open a bakery and bake anything I wanted and sell them, I think that would be so much fun! Anyway, that's a dream for another day.

So my challenge day went pretty well. Got my two shakes and nice salad of greens, cilantro, cottage
cheese, carrots and celery with a chicken breast with sautéed mushrooms. I felt I did pretty well. 

Spent most of the day on my feet again finishing salsa. I made it to hot the day before so had to add some more tomatoes to calm it down some. It turned out pretty good. Got all the jars processed and now just need to clean them off and put them in the storage.

Since I was going to be on my feet most of the day, I decided to wear my pedometer and see how many steps I take in a day. I ended up with around 10,000 steps and walked about 5k, which is about 3.1 miles. Not bad for just walking around my house all day. I was so exhausted last night. I slept do good until about 3:30 when my hubby woke me up to get the throat spray for him. I was so weak and still so out of it. He asked about the humidifier but I could not even really walk, none the less fill up the humidifier and start it. That's what happens when you go and go all day and don't slow down, you crash hard and can't budge for anything. So now it's a new day to go and go all day again, so until tomorrow....

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