Friday, September 14, 2012

Challenge: day 34 & 35

It has been a couple of days since I last posted. Yesterday was out of control at my house. It started off with my oldest son trying to take his DS to school, which we don't allow them to have just whenever they want, so he took it out of my bedroom. So that turned into him throwing things and breaking breaking one of my water cups. Then I had co op as well, which just takes some time.

Wednesday was pretty good. My last two challenge days went well. I weighed a couple days ago and was down two pounds from Sunday, so that is nice. I went to Smiths for a pretty good sale, and to get some free BBQ sauce, and came home with some wheat thin crackers and ritz crackers that are whole wheat. These are great for the kids, but also are good for me. I love wheat thins! I also found some that are wheat thins flat bread that are very yummy and only 60 calories for two crackers. With a little melted cheese on top, they make a great snack, I love them.

I have been grilling up some chicken breasts for lunch, with sautéed mushrooms, and we did some steaks yesterday that I found in the freezer. I have been loving eating this for lunch, and then with a side salad, it has been the perfect lean and green lunch for me.

For my shakes, I was able to get coupons for Silk fruit and protein, which i think is soy milk with fruit. It is quite strong by it self, and at around 130 calories per cup, kind of high for me, but it makes it easy to get a fruity flavor in my shake. So I have been doing half that and half almond milk, which has been really yummy.

Other than this, I just stay way busy all the time with babysitting kids and my own kids. Weekends a nice to take to relax. Oh yeah, my husband and I finished up one of our projects. We finally got our built in entertainment center/shelves put looks so nice! We are very happy. And it keeps the DVD player and video game systems out of reach of kids. Now if we could do something about all the videos. I am way anal about how they are organized and when they get out of pattern I have, it drives me crazy. If I had it my way, they would be on shelf lining the ceiling where only adults can reach. But as it is, I don't have much control over that right now. Anyway, until next time. Keep living!

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