Monday, September 10, 2012

Challenge: days 29-31

Why is it that weekends are so much harder than every other day of the week? For some, they are at school or work for most of the day so they don't have the temptation to snack on everything in the house and then on the weekends have their indulgences. For me, I am home all day pretty much every day, so why should the weekends be so hard for me?

Friday was a really bad day! Had my shake for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and had every intention of  doing my shake at dinner, but then decided I wanted to try these Italian brats my hubby got, but I chose to buy whole wheat buns, and make my own fries, baked with some olive oil and lots of veggies. Then we did our back to school party with the kids. We went to Fat Cats for bowling, glow golf and some breadsticks came with it. We had a groupon we were using. These breadsticks were huge and very yummy! So didn't do to bad until dinner.

Saturday was better than Friday, but for lunch I had a tostada sandwich with my hubby, we had buy one get one free coupons, but I stuck to my shake for dinner. I took dinner to a family in our ward, and for there is an unwritten rule that you have to take dessert with dinner, so I made up some brownies, which I only had two, which is two to many, but then my kids and hubby finished them off so I didn't have to see them anymore.

Sunday's are always so much easier for some reason, so I did my shake for breakfast and lunch and had home made beef burgundy for dinner, which is easy and yummy. You eat it over pasta. I also had some salad and steamed cauliflower. When I weighed yesterday, I had only lost .6 ounces since last week, which is not very good, but since I have been going at this for over 30 days now, I measured again. As of this morning, I have lost and 1/2 inch off each arm, nothing else off hips, measured 1/2 inch larger on each leg (which I hope is just from getting back to the gym here and there), but I lost 3
more inches off my stomach! That's a total of 5 inches so far gone from my stomach! Stomach fat is the worst fat to have hanging around, so I am so thrilled! Yes, I would love to lose 20 pounds, but even if I see there progress in inches lost, I am fine with staying the same weight.

I would love to be super skinny like a lot of women I know don't get me wrong, but if you were look at my skeleton, I don't think I would ever be a size 6. Well, maybe if I had a flat tummy and a flat booty maybe, but that would just look silly I think. Even in high school, I don't think I was ever much smaller than an 8. The dress I wore at graduation was a size 7, but dresses are measured a little different. I still have that dress and wish I could fit into it. I think I was about 10 when I got married almost 12 years ago. I remember buying bareback jeans from a neighbor (since I thought I was such a
cowgirl and all), and I remember they were a size 12, that was my junior or senior year. So even as a teen I wasn't the skinniest around, I even ran a lot in high school.

After getting married, I slowly gained weight and then kids started coming along. It was fairly easy
for me to lose the baby weight after my first, but then came twins and lots of stress and not really taking care of myself, so I gained and gained. I got up to a size 18 and I was pushing 190+! That was when I finally woke up and decided something needed to change! I got on Weight Watchers and was doing well. I lost over 20 pounds, which was huge! But then is tarted getting lazy and didnt gain much back, but wasn't losing either. I then got pregnant with my daughter and had such a different pregnancy than all the others. I only gained about 11 pounds the whole pregnancy and then lost more than that the day I had her. It was great, but then I started gaining again. For the last two years though, I have been able to stay pretty consistently within 5 pounds up or down.

I thought to lose more weight would be great and that's all I've been able to focus on, but now, just seeing the inches I've lost so far, makes me so excited to keep going, to try harder to make my choices more consistent and more healthy for myself. I may never be a skinny bean pole that can eat anything, or even the one that goes to the gym everyday to slim down, but I will continue to keep at it and keep working hard so that i can proudly say I have done what I can to look and be my best! I am very happy with the results so far and can only imagine that the next 59 days will be just as great and the benefits will be even more better than I have seen this far! I will continue to stay accountable for what I do and eat and know that even on a day or week when I don't do so well, I can always start over the next day and recommit myself. So until tomorrow, keep being you and keep looking to the stars!

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