Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Challenge: day 47

So I measured yesterday again, another 1/2 or so I have lost from my hips. That's about the only place I really lost anything, which is fine. I have noticed my pants aren't staying up as easily now. The capris I wore yesterday, I could pull out in front of me about 2 inches, time for those to be passed on. It's good that the colder weather is here, so I can wear more pants and not have to worry about buying new shorts or capris this year. I just love to see the progress, even though it hasn't been much time, and it hasn't been much progress, I still feel good and I'm so happy with myself! I love life, and that's all that matters!

My challenge was good yesterday, I had my two shakes and then instead of having a bean and cheese burrito with my family, I had a sautéed chicken breast with Swiss and guacamole with a salad and some butternut squash. It was a good dinner. I think I had one pumpkin cookie after dinner, but that was it. I had to go down and get a new sim card for my phone, because I've been having issues with it, so when I am out, it's easier to not snack and eat anything.

Stress causing much weight problems or emotional problems, I am usually pretty good and managing my stress, which helps a lot with my attitude and weight, but sometimes I just have a hard time. My four boys all go to elementary school. Fifth, third and first grades. They do pretty good at getting up in the mornings and eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. Then at 8 o'clock they go out to catch the bus, which is so nice that I don't have to drive them everyday, but it does have its downfalls. School doesn't start until 8:30, and we only live about a 3 minute drive from the school, so when the bus picks up (we are the last stop) they end up being at the school by 8:10. A little early in my opinion, but what can you do.

Our school, like most schools now a days, serve breakfast for kids, because a lot of kids don't eat breakfast at home, for one reason or another. I think this is a great program, for those kids. My kids seem to think its ok to eat breakfast at home and then eat breakfast again at school, about a half hour later. What do I do about this? We have told every one of them multiple times (our oldest we have told for the last 5 years!) that we don't pay for breakfast. We already out out $100 each month just to pay for a hot lunch for them, I can't afford to keep paying out breakfast as well! We have told them of they want to eat breakfast, they need to pay for it, but they don't get much for allowance each month, and it is gone as soon as they get it anyway, so that doesn't work. So what do we do? Aside from dropping them off right when the bell rings each day, or walking them each to their classrooms, which I can't do because I have kids that I watch that start coming at 7:45, which is why the bus in so nice! This is my stress today. Thankfully it isn't something to major, but it is still something that upsets me. So I will get over my stress and wish you all a happy day, and see you tomorrow.

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