Thursday, September 27, 2012

Challenge: day 48

Well, my stress of the day yesterday didn't help my challenge at all. Did my shake for breakfast, a muffin for snack, and by lunch time was just so upset after talking with my husband about the boys breakfast habits, that a shake waste last thing I wanted for lunch! So I had some home made chili that one of my kids mom made and brought to share. It was very yummy! Didn't end up having a snack, I kind of forgot, but then had my shake for dinner, so still got in two. Didn't do to bad.

love the results I am getting from this! I feel so good and look really good too! I could really probably drop a pant size, if it weren't for my thighs! I haven't lost much from there, but my hips an waist, I have, so now my pants are a little big, but they are still snug on my thighs. I guess I need to get to the gym and tone my thighs. I rode the bike on Monday, that helps with that, right? But not when you only do it once, or once a week. I need to find the motivation and energy to get to the gym, I just don't have it! We will be doing lots of walking on Saturday so I look forward to a day full of walking, but I need to do more until then.

I was thinking this morning as I was sorting my produce for co op today, that I need to eat more veggies! I thought I probably need to just do one shake a day for a while until I use up some of this produce. I probably have about 4 heads of lettuce, 5 cucumbers, 5 lbs of carrots, celery, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, I don't know what to do with it all. I guess we need to do a salad night and try to eat up some of this produce before it starts to go bad. I just don't think much about it when I am preparing meals. I need to take the time to cut up things and have on hand. I will learn to keep up with things in the end. Everyone have a great day.

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