Monday, September 24, 2012

Challenge: days 43-45

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was so fun and so full! Friday wasn't to bad. As far as my challenge goes, it was ok. I had my two shakes and some cabbage salad for a snack, that I made to go with our dinner that night. We went camping with our ward and I took turkey burgers and whole wheat buns with the cabbage salad to share. Wasn't to bad at dinner. Had my turkey burger, plain and dry (we didn't take condiments), some cabbage salad, pasta salad and potato salad (not to much of the last two, since they were mayo based). Then someone brought pumpkin cookies, so I had to have one of those, they are some of my favorite! But I did pass up popcorn later and didn't eat to late. Thankfully no one brought any marshmallows, sowe didn't have to worry about all of that.

We stayed over night, which ended up not being as cold as we were expecting. And I must say, camping is much better with a cot to sleep on! I don't sleep well anyway when we go camping, so a cot helps outs some. I ended up sleeping with my daughter in my sleeping bag, since she is the only one who doesn't have her own yet, so to keep her warm, she slept with me, so having her moving during the night, I kept waking up. I was going to bring my shake with me for breakfast, but didn't want to take a cooler just for that, so I decided I would just eat breakfast, but go easy. They did pancakes, fried eggs and ham. I don't like pancakes, so I just had an egg and a few slices of ham, with a cup of hot chocolate. Camping just isn't right without hot chocolate!

After breakfast we packed everything up and since my hubby can't really do a lot of strenuous activities still, I was the one to roll up the sleeping bags and put the cots away. As I was putting things away, Mike told our oldest son to start taking the stakes out of the tent so we could start taking it down when I was done. I was still inside trying to put things away. I got one cot put away and pulled the other from the side of the tent, where I guess it was kind of holding the tent up because it just collapsed on me, or as someone said, it just swallowed me. Thanks to my oldest son and another guy and his son, I was able to finish up getting things out away and then we let it just collapse on itself. Oh, Mike had taken our daughter to the bathroom at the time so he missed the whole thing.

We got on our way and came home to where the first thing I did was take a shower!! I hate feeling dirty and grimy. Then we cleaned house, had lunch, where I had my only shake for the day, since we were able to go out to dinner. With my hubby being on the high council, once a year the stake presidency takes us out for dinner to a nice place. This year we went to Maddox the Lodge! We love Maddox and realized it has been about 3 years since we were last there. I tried to be good. We had salad to start, with the corn bread fingers and rolls (YUM!) and out of all the options we had, I chose the halibut, which I think was kind of breaded, but not heavily, with a baked potato and corn on the cob. I did well and didn't finish everything except my halibut. And of course, we have to have dessert with an outing like that, so they brought us a snickers ice cream pie. It was delicious!

So that ended my Saturday and wouldnt you know, I weighed on Sunday morning and was up two pounds from when I weighed Wednesday, which I half expected, since I had a huge dinner and didn't do so well the rest of the day either, but two pounds I can handle! I can drop that in a day or two. Sunday I did much better, due to Saturdays flop. Had my two shakes, snacks of carrots and some crackers, dinner was BBQ chicken legs, that I don't eat the skin, just the meat, and some butternut squash and green beans. Not a huge meal, which was nice, but then I remembered we had caramel pecan rolls in the freezer still. These were the last two, so I decided we should just get rid of them. They are so good and hit the spot!

Now I am back on track and going to work harder! I will be going to the gym this week! I need some energy and I get that when I go to the gym. I also know that as soon as I start back to a regular exercise routine, I will be able to drop more weight. I have been hovering for the last couple weeks. I don't mind weighing what I do, but I know I can do better, I just need to put my mind to it and do it! And being CONSISTANT is key! Plus I love the food network and I don't have cable at home, so I have to go to the gym to watch it. So I plan to go tonight! I am now half way through the challenge and plan to do better on the second half, so I will keep up the good work and keep pushing myself! So until tomorrow, keep a smile on your face and love in your heart!

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