Friday, October 5, 2012

Challenge: day 54-56

Day 54 was pretty good. Did pretty well with my shakes and eating. For dinner I had a bean and cheese burrito with mashed avacado, salsa and sour cream, with some carrots on the side.

I stayed pretty busy. Didn't get the muffins made that I wanted to, but got a much needed adjustment from the chiropractor and went to Logan to pick grapes to make juice. We have tons of grapes now to juice. Mike did stop at Burger King on the way home and got a meal, which I ate some of the fries, so I didn't do well, but that was all I ate that night.

Day 55 was busy with all the kids I watch and things I do. I finally got banana chocolate chip muffins made, the kids have been asking for them. My kitchen was finally clean, until I made dinner and started to juice grapes. Did my two shakes and then made my very yummy curry for dinner. It was so good and I was so good not to over eat!

That night came juicing grapes! We love canning! I gives Mike and I some fun time together, plus we are benefiting our family greatly this way. But with canning comes the inevitable eating to give yourself energy to stay up and something to do to keep you awake. I wasn't to bad that night, we split some nachos of tortilla chips, cheese, avacado, salsa and sour cream. Yum, and some pretty good things that are good for you on there. We only made it through two batches of grapes before it was 1 o'clock in the morning. We called it a night, but didn't make much of a dent in the grapes that we had.

Yesterday, after juicing grapes, I decided to make my shake purple cow, with fresh juice. It was pretty good, a couple tsp of grape juice to my shake and a banana was pretty good. I should call it purple money though, since I use almond milk and then a banana. So no cow, and definitely monkey!

Anyway, yesterday was not very good for eating! I got in my shakes, but was just awful in between. The only thing I can figure is that it's partly because of lack of sleep. I don't know though. But I definitely know when I've had a bad eating day, my insides protest and I just feel run down and crummy all day, which was definitely yesterday! I don't feel like I have a lot of energy most days anyways but the days I just do really bad, are so much worse!

My mentor chiropractor got me a new supplement to take. This is just something that you add to waterr, has lots of B vitamins and really good stuff for you, I just started, but hope that it will help me to feel better each day. I think that if I just start eating better and exercising/moving a little more, I will be able to feel better and lose the weight I want to. Plus my family will thank me, because with good health comes a happy attitude and then comes loving and happy wife and mom. So I will strive to eat better and move more! Thanks for keeping me on the road to my goal, for all the encouragement and allowing me to rant about life, and be boring, for without friends and family to listen and love us, we would be nothing! Enjoy your weekend and a wonderful general conference. Until Monday...

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