Monday, October 1, 2012

Challenge: days 49-52

Wow, what a full and fun weekend! Sorry I didn't have a post on Friday, I was so busy! I made two batches of pumpkin bars for a friend to sell on Saturday at a fund raiser. I had bake, frost and wrap two pans! It was a busy day. Had a friend stop by to bring me some jewelry and clothes and another to stop to pick up scentsy that i didn't have yet, but we chatted for a few minutes. Then had to get my kids packed and ready to go to grandmas for the weekend. I decided to let the kids each have their own bag and pack their own things, it worked out pretty well.

So to update you on my challenge, Thursday was good, my two shakes, and dinner were good. Friday I was busy and on my feet most of the day, had one shake for breakfast and then with people coming and being so busy I ate a couple chicken nuggets and french fries that were left over from the kids lunch, so I planned to make a shake and take with me for dinner since I was going to be on the road. Well, I didn't make up a shake, so I had some homemade chicken burritos that sister had made, since I had to take my kids up to her house to meet my parents. I didn't like driving by myself so much but I just turned up the music on the the way home and sung my heart out. I love singing, just not in front of people. It was a nice ride home all by myself.

Since I knew Saturday was going to be a bad day for my challenge, I weighed Saturday instead of Sunday like I normally do. Much to my surprise, I had lost another pound! Now I am happy to say, I am out of the 160 range and on my way down! It's about time! It will be fun to see just how much weight I actually lose by the end of this. I have lost a lot of inches and have been happy about that, but it is nice to see the weight coming off now.

So Saturday was fun. We got up early and went to a session at the Bountiful temple and then changed and headed into Lagoon for a fun time. The University of Phoenix provided lunch and all day passes to Lagoon. We had hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, jello and baked beans. I just had a hamburger, which I didn't finish the last few bites, chips, baked beans, a little jello and some diet coke. Then we decided to go on a few rides we didn't go on with the kids earlier in the summer. After the first one, we were feeling a little queezy and shook up. Neither of us got sick, just dizzy, but unfortunately, I think we made a record of least amount of time spent in Lagoon! We made it 2 hours and then decided to go shopping instead for the rest of the day. So we still got a lot of walking in.

For dinner we used a groupon that we had for Ethiopian food in downtown salt lake. It was really pretty good. They don't have silver wear, they give you these sourdough pancakes that you just scoop up your food and eat it with. It was pretty good and their baklava was the best! We would go back, just for the baklava! Then home to bed to get up early for church and then up to get the kids.

Sunday we decided to take the long way to Pocatello, so we went to the ward that Mike is over for high council which meets at 9 and went to sacrament with them and then came home, finished off our leftover Ethiopian food and then took off. We went up through sardine canyon, then Logan canyon overto Bear Lake where we took some pictures and then drove from there over to Soda Springs and then up to Pocatello to get the kids. It was such a pretty drive, all the fall colors are in full swing so lots of red and gold colors! So much fun. I love fall for the cooler weather and beautiful bright fall colors.

So now on to a new week full of new fun and adventures! We get to pick grapes this week and make juice! Yay for family and friends willing to share grapes with us! Have a great day.

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