Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Challenge: day 18

What a great day! My kids went back to school yesterday! Yay! They were all so excited! My 1st grader was nervous that he was going to sleep past the bus coming, but he got right up and was ready to go.

Now to focus on myself and the kids I watch for a few hours each day. My hubby is even getting better. He is getting antsy to get out and do stuff. I am enjoying just being me and dressing my truth! I feel incredible! My hubby said it will take some getting used to with the gold jewelry, which I am really coming to love! He also wonders how he will be able to shop for me anymore. He loves to buy clothes for me, and he is actually pretty good at picking out cute outfits! I'll just have to teach him about fabrics and shapes and colors. He will do fine.

My challenge day was pretty good. Got in my shakes, and a pretty good dinner of pulled pork on whole wheat buns with pasta salad and broccoli and cauliflower. I didn't even eat anything after coming home from the gym last night! What? Yeah, I actually went to the gym last night? And by myself no less. I just park myself on the aliptical in front of the food network and watch people cook. I love it! I get some pretty good ideas from there. One of these days I want to go to culinary arts school! I love cooking, and obviously food, since I have a hard time getting off weight! I love to concoct new dishes and recipes, some of which can be found in the recipes tab on the side. I love to try to cook healthy, that is a huge thing for me, even though I love sugar and don't use a lot of organic or whole wheat items all that often, I try to make it as healthy as I can, with what I have!

So I feel I did well yesterday and hope for a little pay off from my gym excursion last night. Hope to go again tonight or at least mow the lawn, if you 10 year old won't do it, that will be my exercise tonight. But that's what's great is we can get exercise in little things, like house work and yard work, especially if you are breaking a sweat like I do most of the time. So, until tomorrow...

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