Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Challenge: day 19

I did pretty well yesterday for my challenge, considering everything. Did my shakes, but then made some fresh salsa, which is all veggies and spices, so very good for you, until you add the salty, fried corn chips to the mix, then you can't just stop at a couple, right? Oh how I love salsa! Usually I have made and enormous batch by now and we have canned it, but my tomato plants looked awful this year and never got fruit. Then my garden has become overrun with weeds this year anyway and I haven't taken the time to keep up with it, so the only produce I really got to enjoy this year, was peas. Oh and my hubby decided to mow down all the weeds in the garden and shoot them with roundup, yeah well, he mowed down my carrots and tomatoes, so they just had not possibility of being fruitful anyways. I am not concerned though. My father in law has been bringing me tomatoes here and there and I finally had enough to make a good size batch of salsa. I also got 7 jars canned a few weeks ago.

So my canning this year will come from Brigham City where they have the most yummy peaches and tons of fresh produce! I need to can peaches and salsa for sure this year!

Anyway, I made salsa, so I had to try it! For dinner my hubby and I talked of going to Chili's since they had free kids meals this week. We love Chili's! I wasn't wanting to go spend money, so I thought we could just stay home and make our own Chili's with salad and quesadillas. Mike, having been stuck in the house for a week now, with me and the kids, and other people's kids, was going stir crazy, and said we just needed to go. It was very yummy! They have changed things there and have even added some to their menu. One thing they added I decided to try, is called roasted red pepper grilled chicken. It was a huge piece of chicken with melted cheese and this very yummy roasted red pepper sauce with rice and steamed broccoli. It was so yummy! Had just enough kick. And the chicken was grilled, so much better for you! I feel I chose well.  I even ate less and took some home for lunch tomorrow.

The one really bad thing, was that we had to get the paradise cookie. It is to die for, especially if you are a coconut lover! It is a bar that has a crust, chocolate chips and then a coconut cookie dough, all cooked together into one bar. Then they top it with ice cream and caramel and chocolate and nuts. I was good and split it with Mike, but let him eat my ice cream, but I did eat have the bar and some caramel and chocolate. Boy was it good.

Didn't make it to the gym. Since I had eaten such a big dinner, I didn't want to go exercise that way. We really need to finish painting the siding for our shed and we were going to do that, but it was so hot yesterday and I have kids that need to be supervised at bed time for some reason. They can't just go to bed and stay, they have to continually come in and bug us, and if we aren't there to acknowledge them, they start to get into things, usually food in the pantry, so we decided to watch our disc of Criminal Minds instead. Which was fine, I like just relaxing and enjoying time with the hubby.

I have decided with my challenge that I am going to try something a little different. I am going to try doing shakes at breakfast and dinner and eat lunch and see how this does for me. Maybe I can burn a few more calories this way and not be so famished by dinner time that I over eat, so wish me luck and I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

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