Monday, August 27, 2012

Challenge: day 16 & 17

Did anyone else's kids start school today or last week? It is such a nice feeling to send my kids off to school and know I don't have to worry about them until after 3! I have been looking forward to this day for a couple weeks now! It's finally here!

My weekend went well, I think because of looking forward to today, plus the fact that I haven't gained weight in the last week, which is good, but I seem to not be losing much. I'm sorry if my posts seem to be so bland and boring lately. I don't have many exciting and life changing experiences every single day, so you get the monotonous day to day things I do. So Saturday we decided to start on our entertainment center. We are so excited! We decided that since Mike is laid up for a week and cant do much, that we could start on this project inside that won't take lifting, and most of it I can do, with his math skills.

We have a dear friend who works for a woodworking company who cut the shelves for us and stained them. They are going to look great. We cut the supports on Saturday, so I sent them back with him to stain the ends, so as soon as we get those back, we will be in full swing! We can't wait! I will post pics when it is all finished!

I am so blessed with such great people around me and for those in my ward who help me so much. I decided it wouldnt really work well to make my kids try to sit with someone at church while I lead in sacrament meeting, so I called and asked someone to fill in for me. She was so willing to help out. Mike wanted to go to sacrament, so he was there with us, but he can't pick up our 2 year old or try to get kids to settle down, he just can't do much. The best thing I have ever made was file folder games! I made these years ago before I even had kids, and they have been well used! They are fabulous for church, they keep the kids quiet. I decided my daughter was probably old enough now to play them, and it entertained all the kids so well at church, I was actually able to listen for once!

As far as my challenge, I am doing pretty good. Trying to eat more veggies, but that is kind of tough some days. Loved dinner last night! I made eggplant and spaghetti! Yum! I just slice my eggplant, dip in egg and then cover in bread crumbs and fry in a little oil. Put some spaghetti sauce over top and oh, it's so yummy! And carrots later for dessert. I am planning to do more exercising this week, then maybe I can start dropping pounds faster. I already feel better and now that I am Dressing My Truth, I am looking good to, even if I'm not the skinny minnie I want to be. But I am on my way! Thinking positive and having lots of support from everyone helps out so much!

Thanks to my friends who text me out of the blue, just to say way to go, you are doing great, keep it up! And those who always compliment me, even on the days I don't feel my best! If it weren't for all of you, I would have given up a long time ago! Here's to a new me and a most wonderful life, full of challenges and rewards! I am truly blessed!

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