Monday, August 27, 2012

Energy profiling

In my last post I talked a little about Dressing Your Truth. Some of you may have heard of this and some of you probably have no idea what I am talking about.

I have a sister in law that lives by this! About a year ago she let me borrow a book, that I started to read and then just put it aside, it was a little over my head and I didn't want to give it a chance. I wasn't much into reading at the time (I tend to go in spurts) and so I gave it back to her. And really I didn't want to have anything to do with anything or anyone who was going to tell me how to dress. I felt that I dressed nice when I wanted to and the rest of the time, I just wore what looked ok with whatever pants I was wearing that day.

The Olympics started a while ago and I saw a post that shared on Facebook by one of my friends and it had a picture of one of the USA Olympians and it asked "what type do you think she is". At this point I am curious, it's been long enough, I didn't know what it was, not that I did before, because I never read the book.

I clicked on the link and the next day I had emails in my inbox that were quite intriguing! She goes through an energy profile of how you act and react to life. This was quite fun to learn about. So this was exactly what my sister in law was trying to get me involved in a hear ago that I just brushed off. I was being stubborn.

So I am a type 1, very much so, and I love how watching these videos made me feel. It has been a long time since such strong confidence in myself and a desire to be happy and be all I can be. That combined with the 90 challenge, has just made feel incredible.

After watching all of the energy profiling videos, I purchased the Dressing Your Truth course and have discovered that I have been dressing the wrong way! No wonder I feel so frumpy and like I
never have anything to wear, but I have a closet full of clothes! So I got my materials in the mail and 
have been having fun going through and cleaning out my closet and everything that I wear. I have 
been wearing the wrong colors, and especially the wrong jewelry! After going through my closet and 
knowing I will not wear black anymore, that took out half my skirts and half my skirts! By the time I 
was done going through clothes I had about 4 shirts that were still ok.

I have a friend that is very clothes savvy and she told me a while ago that she was going through her
closets and had some clothes for me, so I was desperate. I called her and said I needed clothes, so I
came home with two trash bags full of clothes. I went through them with my color card and trying
things on and didn't keep much of what she gave me, and adding that to the ones I pulled from my closet, I have about 3 trash bags full! That's just clothes!

Then I started on my jewelry! I should wear shiny gold jewelry, plus lots of colors. I have mostly silver, so this has been the hardest and biggest change for me! I did have a couple items that are gold, so I went and bought a couple more. Now I need to have a clothing and jewelry swap with some friends so we can all revamp our wardrobes!

I have not had so much self confidence or loved myself for who I am in I dont know how long. It is great to finally feel that way! I am loving life and myself and it all started with the energy profiling videos that Carol Tuttle has. If you need a change in your life and don't know what, I encourage you to start here. Go to and see for your self what type you are and what this program can do for you. Until next time...

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