Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Challenge: day 39

Not a bad day. I did pretty well with my eating and shakes, two shakes, my chicken breast and steamed cauliflower for lunch, had to finish off some left overs. I was even really good at dinner. I made lasagna for my family, which is something that I love. I was going to have some but I was strong and decided to just have my shake, which worked out well, since we ended up doing cake for family home evening dessert. Overall not a bad day, and I feel good when I put on my jeans and don't have to struggle to do up the button. Love that!

So I opted to have a little cake last night. My youngest son was in charge of our treat for family night. He chose chocolate cake. I opted to find a recipe for cake in a mug that I could just cook individual ones for each of the kids. It was fun also because they got to mix all of their ingredients for their own. Which actually ended up being kind of funny...my 10 year old started mixing his and it was so thick. We couldn't figure out why until he said "I put 4 scoops of flour like you said". Hahaha, the recipe calls for 4 tablespoons of flour and 4 tablespoons of sugar. My husband asked if it really said that and said why doesn't it just say 1/4 cup? So I had started out with tablespoons and then switched to a quarter cup measure, but he obviously didn't hear, so he had put in 4 quarter cups. He was so upset that he had done that, we just laughed.

So I wasn't going to do a cake for myself, but ended up adding more ingredients to his and ended up with a big cake. It is actually pretty good cake. I made up some chocolate spiffee whip and we had that in place of frosting or anything else. There are quite a few recipes our there for things like this, this one had a good review and a few suggestions of different things to do with it. Personally, I would either split this with someone or mix up the recipe but pour in two cups. It rose well over the top of the cup and made quite a bit of cake. Here is the link if you are interested: http://www.food.com/recipe/magic-chocolate-mug-cake-microwave-322553

Try it for yourself, it is something fun to do with the kids! So until next time, keep living life to the fullest!

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