Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuna and Toast

Ok, so I know I have complained a lot in the past about my weight and not being the "right" size or not fitting into clothes. Well, I am really working hard to change my thinking from so negative to more positive. I have been working
on positive thinking and being accepting of myself in the moment.

No I am not the most positive thinker, especially when I put on a pair of pants and realize just how big my thighs are, when I can't really keep them up. But I just think, I need to work on tonig muscles and maybe even get rid of these jeans and find a pair of pants that are more straight leg than boot cut that hugs my thighs more. I have this little muffin top too. Yeah, I don't like to exercise, so it seems to hang over my pants a little. Although I did notice yesterday that my muffin top is starting to go away. I have been doing pilates about 4 times a week for the last two weeks and I am starting to notice it is toning my muscles and getting rid of the bulge. I even put on a pair of pants I got for Christmas that was a little snug at Christmas that didn't fit after I washed them, and they actually fit! I got them on and got them buttoned up, which I couldn't do a month ago. So as you can see, I have been very pleased with myslef and what little I have been doing.

Anyway, now that you know about my weight journey this year so far, I want to share with you what we had for dinner last night. It's probably not the best meal, or best for you, but it one from my childhood that I loved. It is tuna and toast. It is very easy with not many ingredients and it's just yummy, as long as you like tuna. So here you go:

Tuna and toast

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup flour
4 cups milk
3 cans tuna
as many slices of toast as desired

Melt butter in skillet. Add flour and whisk. Let cook a little to thicken some. Gradually add milk stirring as you go. Continue to stir over med/high heat until thickened to your desired thickness Add drained tuna and spices and let heat through a few minutes. Serve over toast.

Now this is a big recipe that I use for my family of 7, you can always cut it in half if you need to. Also, when cooking I use powdered milk. I try to always have some milk made up in my fridge and that's what I use. Sometimes it doesn't thicken quite as well as regular milk in white sauces, so last night I opted to use just 3 cups of milk instead of 4 and it thickened great, I probably could have used a little more milk, but it still worked out fine. For my spices, I just shake them on until I think it looks good. It probably ended up being 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp of each, but use whichever ones you want and however much you want. Sometimes I will also add peas right in the sauce, but last night we had them on the side.

This is something that I make when I can't think of anything else to make, since I always have tuna on hand and it is so easy to make. We love it, and with the spices it just adds more flavor and help to mask the tuna flavor, not that I don't love tuna! Happy cooking!

*Have a recipe for me to try or to revamp for you? Comment below, I love trying new things and making things so much better and more healthy! I will share with you my more healthy version of banana chocolate chip muffins soon, so look forward to that!

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