Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Challenge: day 11

Day 11 went well! Doing good with the shakes, just finding out that I need to modify a few things. I realize I have been getting way to many fruits, not enough veggies and the wrong kind of snacks. Had some trail mix, which is pretty good for you, other than the yummy m&ms. The couple cookie I had that day though, aren't the right thing to eat. I need to be more strict with myself. Had a double turkey burger with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes, yum! And some cauliflower. I was going to go to the gym this night, but I had an allergy treatment and you are not supposed to exercise within 6 hours of a treatment, so instead I put on my Hot Pants and cleaned my kitchen! I worked up quite a sweat, and my kitchen was so clean! I haven't seen my counter top in I don't know how long! Months maybe! The only thing I didn't get done was the floor mopped. I even got the towels folded and put away and the family room cleaned. I got a lot done and may have lost a couple inches in the process, very pleased with myself. So I am learning from my mistakes and day 12 will be just great!

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