Thursday, August 23, 2012

Challenge: days 12 & 13

Man how exhaustion can come so quickly when you are deprived sleep!

The last two days of my challenge have been up and down! Day 12 went really well! I stuck to the plan and even passed up eating anything extra at the hospital. Yeah, the hospital. It seems like there is something with the hospital that screams "free food" or something that makes me want to eat. Or it could be the fact that 8 years ago I had twins in the NICU at McKay Dee hospital and I figured out really quick that they have the BEST snicker doodle cookies I have ever had! I think I ate one everyday while they were there.

Anyway, the reason for the hospital visit was, thankfully not for me, but for my dear husband! He had been having abdomen pain off and on since the night before and by 7 that night, he couldn't take it anymore. Ibuprofen hadn't touched it at all and he was in pain, so we went down to the ER and they did a pelvic X-ray thinking it was kidney stones. I guess that didn't turn up much, so they did a CT scan on his pelvis and came saying they had to take his appendix out. They say it is supposed to be about the size of the tip of your pinky finger and it was bigger than his thumb! Poor guy was rushed into surgery and had the little bugger taken out. I tried to get some sleep while waiting, but that is nearly impossible when you are trying to sleep in a chair.

I took my powerade and drank some of it, but resisted the urge to run to the cafeteria or out to a nearby fast food place. I was to nervous and anxious to eat anything anyway. So I feel I did well. That day. I left the hospital around 2:30 that night and came home to sleep for a few hours before my kids got up and wanted breakfast and I had to go back to the hospital to get Mike.

Yesterday I didn't do so well. I had my shake in the morning, but on the way back from the hospital to get my kids some lunch, I passed the new Kneaders down town and decided to stop to get the kids a cookie. They had a double chocolate frosted brownie that I just couldn't pass up, it looked so yummy. So I ate that with my lunch of leftovers. I was so exhausted and thought it might be best if I ate regular food. Then my dear friend brought us noodle bake and French bread for dinner, I couldn't pass that up either. So I ate to much yesterday. I did weigh yesterday morning and I was down about 2 lbs from Sunday, so I am seeing progress, I just need to be more strict with myself and not eat something because I can't pass it up.

Exercise had been minimal the last couple days, obviously. Nothing Tuesday, but last night the lawn needed to be mowed, and since Mike can't do much right now and my oldest son won't do it either, I am next in line. So I put on my Hot Pants and went out and mowed the lawn. I was sweating pretty good by the time I got done, so hopefully that means something. So today I am still exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open, so we'll see what today brings. So until tomorrow....

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