Saturday, August 25, 2012

Challenge: day 15

Here I am, two weeks into this, 1/4 of the way done, which doesn't seem like much. I feel that I really haven't been trying very hard, which I haven't. And it does show! But I have also had a few things come into the mix, like camping, which I expected and did pretty good, but could have done better, and an unexpected surgery for my hubby that zapped my energy and motivation to do anything, plu I am taking care of him and my 5 kids, and a couple others, so by the time the day is over, I am wiped and can't bring myself to do much of anything.

On a more positive note, I am down about 3 lbs since day 1, which seems really awful, but with as little exercise as I have done, its to be expected. But I have stayed the same weight for over a week, so not bad, since I'm not gaining. Also a pretty big thing is how many inches you lose. I don't know how to figure that exactly, but I have lost 1/2 - 2 inches throughout my body. So I am seeing some results, which is wonderful! So I am starting to see results and I still have plenty of time to start dropping lbs!

 I still love the program and I still think my favorite is the energy drinks. These have saved me the last couple days with my lack of sleep from tuesday night and trying to catch up. All morning I am so exhausted and tired and by the afternoon all I want to do is lay down, but there is so much to do, so I can't just lay down and sleep any time I want to. With my energy drink I have been able to stay awake and alert and keep going. Still loving life! Until next time.

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