Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Challenge: day 26

Talked with my mentor yesterday, since I need to order more stuff. He, in a round about, but nice way, told me I need to eat better. But he did say I am doing good. I'm not one to take constructive critism very well, I am like a little kid that stole something and gets in trouble. I felt like I was in so much trouble, but I know Im not. It is my choice, he just wants me to choose the best choice to help me in the long run. I will take his suggestions though and try harder to apply them each day. I look up to and respect him, so I need to try harder. But I did say I need to be accountable to someone other than myself and my husband, so I need to accept what I've done, but move on and just do better.

So with that said, I am making pumpkin bars and something else for my Scentsy and Usborne books party tomorrow night. LOL! But I will try not to eat any, and on Friday whatever is left is going to be taken to friends, I will not keep it around! How's that for a plan?! I have become more disciplined, I will give myself that! I can buy something for my kids, or my husband, and not get anything for myself, or buy something that is a better choice for myself. I feel that overall, I am doing really well with the life long changes, even though the weight isn't coming off as fast as I would like, I am still losing inches, my energy is back up, and I am learning to choose better options for food. I even chose to go to the gym last night and spent almost an hour. I did my core exercises, abductor/adductor machines, which work your thighs and then 25 mins on the alliptical, until my feet were falling asleep. Weird, who's feet fall asleep while they are walking? Apparently mine.

So this shakes for breakfast and lunch have worked out well, I actually quite like it. Yesterday for lunch I had a little left over spaghetti and by a little, I mean like 1/4 worth, it was hardly anything. And a salad with ham and fat free cottage cheese. Had reduced fat wheat thins crackers as a snack and a very yummy peanut butter cup shake for dinner. I felt like I was having dessert for dinner! Yumm! Cocoa powder and peanut butter in the shake, with some ice, oh it was good!  So I will continue to do breakfast and dinner and I can just have left overs from the night before or cook up a chicken breast and have a salad for lunch. It is kind of weird making dinner for my family and then not eating it with them. But I do still sit with them because that is the most important thing about dinner is just being together as a family!

So wish me luck! Keep sending good vibes my way and keep pushing me and keeping accountable for myself! Thanks for letting me blog about my mishaps and my achievements and letting me know when I am doing good and keep encouraging me when I falter and need a little push! You guys are great and my greatest support! Thank you!

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