Monday, October 22, 2012

Challenge: days 62-73

Yeah, it's been that long since I last posted! What is wrong with me? I guess I just feel like I didn't have much to write about lately. But here is what has been going on lately...

My challenge has been going ok. I decided to start eating lunch and dinner and just do a shake for breakfast, which was going pretty well, i was doing salads and chicken at lunch and then just slimming down my portions at dinner. Was doing good until we went on vacation last week, but I'll get to that soon.

Mike took a day and went elk hunting. He spent all day walking and looking, didn't find any elk but came within 100 yards of a huge bull moose! He was excited and a little scared at the same time. He was planning on three days to go out, but one day of walking did him in, we are all out of shape at our house and can't walk for to long before you just have to stop.

Last week was fall break for my kids, so we took off and went to Evanston where we stayed in a hotel for three nights, which we realized was one day too long for the kids. We took one day and just hung out and went shopping and took a drive to a ghost town where they have charcoal kilns that you can walk through. My kids loved it, and we saw tons of deer right off the road. It was lots of fun. Friday we were supposed to go to the Uintas and take ATVs out. I ended up staying back at the hotel with two boys that had had stomach bugs and my daughter that had a cough. We walked down the street to a flying j and got some drinks and lunch and just hung out and watched movies all day. Mike and the two boys that went had a lot of fun though and even saw a momma moose with a baby. We love the Uintas they are so fun.

Being cooped up in a small room all day made me a little crazy, so I decided to go grocery shopping
in Evanston. Yeah, kind of a funny thing to do on vacation but smiths had a great sale and some of the things I wanted didn't need a freezer, so I just left them in my car. I love when I can get a killer deal on groceries, and in wyoming, they don't have a food tax, so I didn't even have to pay tax when I was there. This sale was so good, with tons of free items! I bought 122 items: betty Crocker cake mixes, cookie mixes, Mac and cheese, boxed potatoes, general mills cereal, fiber one bars, Chex mix and sodas. So before tax and coupons my total was $173.69. In the end, I ended up paying $53.99 and still have $20.75 in Catalina's to use next time I go! I saved $119.70. When you average the cost and items together, each item cost me less than 44 cents a piece! Not to bad at all! 

So now I am home, enjoying being back, even though my house looks like a war zone with everything from vacation everywhere. And I got a touch of the stomach bug my kids had last week. I have just had a rolling tummy all day. I don't feel sick, just the tummy.

This challenge seems to have been to long for me. The first month wasn't to bad, I did pretty good, but then I just plateaued from there and didn't feel like sticking to the plan. At least I haven't gained tons of weight, especially after eating continental breakfast every morning for three days plus lunch and dinner out those days to, I didn't gained but a couple pounds, now back to life and hopefully back to eating better and doing better! I hope you all are doing well and enjoy life as much as I do. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Challenge: day 61

I think I have a tendency to get frustrated and down on myself to often. I really am pleased with the results I have been seeing with this challenge. I haven't lost as much weight as I was hoping, but I also haven't been as strict as I should have been, so for what I have done, I have been losing pretty well.

Yesterday morning I ran out of shake mix, so I had my shake for breakfast and the some rice with olive oil and some broccoli and a sautéed chicken breast. Not bad, it was a pretty good lunch. Then for dinner we had chicken tacos, which were really yummy, especially the chicken.

Last night was enrichment night. It was fun. They did a fashion show of modest clothing. It was fun. And then sandwiches, veggies and cupcakes for a snack after. So I over did it a little at enrichment, but was still down a pound this morning when I weighed in, so not bad.

I just need to keep trudging along and enjoying life and everything will be the way it needs to be. Everything happens in its own time and for a certain purpose, so who am I to mess with the Lords plan! So to all you, love life and be happy with what comes your way in life!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Challenge: days 57-60

So here it is, 60 days in, I can't believe I have been doing this for two months now!i started out this challenge really good. So pumped and excited and ready to lose some weight, now I am at a plateau and seem to get more frustrated than anything. Maybe now is not my time to lose all the weight I want to, I don't know. I know I don't eat enough veggies, and that is a big problem, and I like to have a cookie or dessert here and there when I decide to make them or have them, and I don't exercise nearly as much as I need to, but I do feel like my health is much better!

So far I have lost 10 lbs, which is not bad, but for as long as I have been going, it's awful! I also keep making justifications about it, thinking that when I am finished with the 90 days, I will cut back to one shake a day instead of two. And since we eat a lot of casseroles and things like that, I will probably gain back everything I will have lost, right? And obviously I am not going to make a completely separate meal for myself when I already cook for 6 other people! So I won't be eating grilled chicken or fish and a salad every night for dinner, so I feel that for our lifestyle and what we eat, I am doing ok. Just need to add more salads and veggies to my daily menu.

Anyway, this weekend was great with general conference! We started a tradition a while ago that we would go out to breakfast Saturday morning before conference, which was fun. We usually go to Golden Corall where the kids can pick anything they want to eat. I did pretty good eating eggs, bacon hash browns, fruit, etc. even though most of those are cooked in butter or oil. And I had to have a doughnut, which I don't think I even finished, it was to sweet, and I didn't even finish everything I took, so I listened to my body and felt good during the day. It has been a long time since I have had energy to make it through all the things I need to get done in a day, and Saturday I felt great, the only thing I can figure is just eating a big breakfast helped.

Sunday we took a drive over the mountain to see where Mike will be hunting this week. It was a great drive. We even went over into Hardware Ranch, where we were hoping to see the elk, but they must not be coming down from the mountains yet. It was just nice to get out and see such bright reds on the mountain sides. I love fall time for all the beautiful colors and the cooler weather, and especially all the yummy fall food to make!  It is finally soup season, that is one of my favorite foods!

Well, until next time, hopefully I will have more enthusiasm about this challenge and be more motivated to exercise and move and eat better! Until later....

Friday, October 5, 2012

Challenge: day 54-56

Day 54 was pretty good. Did pretty well with my shakes and eating. For dinner I had a bean and cheese burrito with mashed avacado, salsa and sour cream, with some carrots on the side.

I stayed pretty busy. Didn't get the muffins made that I wanted to, but got a much needed adjustment from the chiropractor and went to Logan to pick grapes to make juice. We have tons of grapes now to juice. Mike did stop at Burger King on the way home and got a meal, which I ate some of the fries, so I didn't do well, but that was all I ate that night.

Day 55 was busy with all the kids I watch and things I do. I finally got banana chocolate chip muffins made, the kids have been asking for them. My kitchen was finally clean, until I made dinner and started to juice grapes. Did my two shakes and then made my very yummy curry for dinner. It was so good and I was so good not to over eat!

That night came juicing grapes! We love canning! I gives Mike and I some fun time together, plus we are benefiting our family greatly this way. But with canning comes the inevitable eating to give yourself energy to stay up and something to do to keep you awake. I wasn't to bad that night, we split some nachos of tortilla chips, cheese, avacado, salsa and sour cream. Yum, and some pretty good things that are good for you on there. We only made it through two batches of grapes before it was 1 o'clock in the morning. We called it a night, but didn't make much of a dent in the grapes that we had.

Yesterday, after juicing grapes, I decided to make my shake purple cow, with fresh juice. It was pretty good, a couple tsp of grape juice to my shake and a banana was pretty good. I should call it purple money though, since I use almond milk and then a banana. So no cow, and definitely monkey!

Anyway, yesterday was not very good for eating! I got in my shakes, but was just awful in between. The only thing I can figure is that it's partly because of lack of sleep. I don't know though. But I definitely know when I've had a bad eating day, my insides protest and I just feel run down and crummy all day, which was definitely yesterday! I don't feel like I have a lot of energy most days anyways but the days I just do really bad, are so much worse!

My mentor chiropractor got me a new supplement to take. This is just something that you add to waterr, has lots of B vitamins and really good stuff for you, I just started, but hope that it will help me to feel better each day. I think that if I just start eating better and exercising/moving a little more, I will be able to feel better and lose the weight I want to. Plus my family will thank me, because with good health comes a happy attitude and then comes loving and happy wife and mom. So I will strive to eat better and move more! Thanks for keeping me on the road to my goal, for all the encouragement and allowing me to rant about life, and be boring, for without friends and family to listen and love us, we would be nothing! Enjoy your weekend and a wonderful general conference. Until Monday...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Challenge: day 53

Weekdays are supposed to be earlier than yesterday. I was busy with babysitting and cleaning. I got my kitchen pretty much clean, at least to the point where there wasn't much on the counter. I was able to get our daily supplements organized on the counter where we can get to them everyday.  That was an accomplishment.

As for my challenge, I had my two shakes, but had a piece of chocolate cake left over from our anniversary dinner. We had tuna sandwiches for dinner, because we were supposed to have gone to Logan to pick grapes, which didn't happen, we didn't have enough daylight. But I had a salad later that night and some crackers and cheese and a weight watchers ice cream bar, so over all, I didn't do well, but I can always do better today and work harder. I really need to get out to the gym, but just can't find the motivation. I want to go a couple times a week, but I don't like going by myself, so that makes it tough.

Today, I need to make some muffins. I have bananas and pumpkin to use up and for us, that's the way to use up those. Yesterday I made whole wheat pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes for my kids. They loved them and said they were really good. I didnt try them, but they looked and smelled good. Pretty healthy and very filling.  I found the recipe on my allrecipes app.  So today I will try harder and be better so that when I weigh tomorrow, I can still say I am losing weight. Mike started doing shakes for breakfast with me, so we are working together to be better. I love when we can doing these together, it helps us do better and keeps us close to each other.

Well, until tomorrow, love life and stay happy!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Challenge: days 49-52

Wow, what a full and fun weekend! Sorry I didn't have a post on Friday, I was so busy! I made two batches of pumpkin bars for a friend to sell on Saturday at a fund raiser. I had bake, frost and wrap two pans! It was a busy day. Had a friend stop by to bring me some jewelry and clothes and another to stop to pick up scentsy that i didn't have yet, but we chatted for a few minutes. Then had to get my kids packed and ready to go to grandmas for the weekend. I decided to let the kids each have their own bag and pack their own things, it worked out pretty well.

So to update you on my challenge, Thursday was good, my two shakes, and dinner were good. Friday I was busy and on my feet most of the day, had one shake for breakfast and then with people coming and being so busy I ate a couple chicken nuggets and french fries that were left over from the kids lunch, so I planned to make a shake and take with me for dinner since I was going to be on the road. Well, I didn't make up a shake, so I had some homemade chicken burritos that sister had made, since I had to take my kids up to her house to meet my parents. I didn't like driving by myself so much but I just turned up the music on the the way home and sung my heart out. I love singing, just not in front of people. It was a nice ride home all by myself.

Since I knew Saturday was going to be a bad day for my challenge, I weighed Saturday instead of Sunday like I normally do. Much to my surprise, I had lost another pound! Now I am happy to say, I am out of the 160 range and on my way down! It's about time! It will be fun to see just how much weight I actually lose by the end of this. I have lost a lot of inches and have been happy about that, but it is nice to see the weight coming off now.

So Saturday was fun. We got up early and went to a session at the Bountiful temple and then changed and headed into Lagoon for a fun time. The University of Phoenix provided lunch and all day passes to Lagoon. We had hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, jello and baked beans. I just had a hamburger, which I didn't finish the last few bites, chips, baked beans, a little jello and some diet coke. Then we decided to go on a few rides we didn't go on with the kids earlier in the summer. After the first one, we were feeling a little queezy and shook up. Neither of us got sick, just dizzy, but unfortunately, I think we made a record of least amount of time spent in Lagoon! We made it 2 hours and then decided to go shopping instead for the rest of the day. So we still got a lot of walking in.

For dinner we used a groupon that we had for Ethiopian food in downtown salt lake. It was really pretty good. They don't have silver wear, they give you these sourdough pancakes that you just scoop up your food and eat it with. It was pretty good and their baklava was the best! We would go back, just for the baklava! Then home to bed to get up early for church and then up to get the kids.

Sunday we decided to take the long way to Pocatello, so we went to the ward that Mike is over for high council which meets at 9 and went to sacrament with them and then came home, finished off our leftover Ethiopian food and then took off. We went up through sardine canyon, then Logan canyon overto Bear Lake where we took some pictures and then drove from there over to Soda Springs and then up to Pocatello to get the kids. It was such a pretty drive, all the fall colors are in full swing so lots of red and gold colors! So much fun. I love fall for the cooler weather and beautiful bright fall colors.

So now on to a new week full of new fun and adventures! We get to pick grapes this week and make juice! Yay for family and friends willing to share grapes with us! Have a great day.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Challenge: day 48

Well, my stress of the day yesterday didn't help my challenge at all. Did my shake for breakfast, a muffin for snack, and by lunch time was just so upset after talking with my husband about the boys breakfast habits, that a shake waste last thing I wanted for lunch! So I had some home made chili that one of my kids mom made and brought to share. It was very yummy! Didn't end up having a snack, I kind of forgot, but then had my shake for dinner, so still got in two. Didn't do to bad.

love the results I am getting from this! I feel so good and look really good too! I could really probably drop a pant size, if it weren't for my thighs! I haven't lost much from there, but my hips an waist, I have, so now my pants are a little big, but they are still snug on my thighs. I guess I need to get to the gym and tone my thighs. I rode the bike on Monday, that helps with that, right? But not when you only do it once, or once a week. I need to find the motivation and energy to get to the gym, I just don't have it! We will be doing lots of walking on Saturday so I look forward to a day full of walking, but I need to do more until then.

I was thinking this morning as I was sorting my produce for co op today, that I need to eat more veggies! I thought I probably need to just do one shake a day for a while until I use up some of this produce. I probably have about 4 heads of lettuce, 5 cucumbers, 5 lbs of carrots, celery, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, I don't know what to do with it all. I guess we need to do a salad night and try to eat up some of this produce before it starts to go bad. I just don't think much about it when I am preparing meals. I need to take the time to cut up things and have on hand. I will learn to keep up with things in the end. Everyone have a great day.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Challenge: day 47

So I measured yesterday again, another 1/2 or so I have lost from my hips. That's about the only place I really lost anything, which is fine. I have noticed my pants aren't staying up as easily now. The capris I wore yesterday, I could pull out in front of me about 2 inches, time for those to be passed on. It's good that the colder weather is here, so I can wear more pants and not have to worry about buying new shorts or capris this year. I just love to see the progress, even though it hasn't been much time, and it hasn't been much progress, I still feel good and I'm so happy with myself! I love life, and that's all that matters!

My challenge was good yesterday, I had my two shakes and then instead of having a bean and cheese burrito with my family, I had a sautéed chicken breast with Swiss and guacamole with a salad and some butternut squash. It was a good dinner. I think I had one pumpkin cookie after dinner, but that was it. I had to go down and get a new sim card for my phone, because I've been having issues with it, so when I am out, it's easier to not snack and eat anything.

Stress causing much weight problems or emotional problems, I am usually pretty good and managing my stress, which helps a lot with my attitude and weight, but sometimes I just have a hard time. My four boys all go to elementary school. Fifth, third and first grades. They do pretty good at getting up in the mornings and eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. Then at 8 o'clock they go out to catch the bus, which is so nice that I don't have to drive them everyday, but it does have its downfalls. School doesn't start until 8:30, and we only live about a 3 minute drive from the school, so when the bus picks up (we are the last stop) they end up being at the school by 8:10. A little early in my opinion, but what can you do.

Our school, like most schools now a days, serve breakfast for kids, because a lot of kids don't eat breakfast at home, for one reason or another. I think this is a great program, for those kids. My kids seem to think its ok to eat breakfast at home and then eat breakfast again at school, about a half hour later. What do I do about this? We have told every one of them multiple times (our oldest we have told for the last 5 years!) that we don't pay for breakfast. We already out out $100 each month just to pay for a hot lunch for them, I can't afford to keep paying out breakfast as well! We have told them of they want to eat breakfast, they need to pay for it, but they don't get much for allowance each month, and it is gone as soon as they get it anyway, so that doesn't work. So what do we do? Aside from dropping them off right when the bell rings each day, or walking them each to their classrooms, which I can't do because I have kids that I watch that start coming at 7:45, which is why the bus in so nice! This is my stress today. Thankfully it isn't something to major, but it is still something that upsets me. So I will get over my stress and wish you all a happy day, and see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Challenge: day 46

Yesterday was a better day, until I made pumpkin cookies. I had my two shakes, and snacks of veggies and crackers. For dinner I made mac and cheese with bacon, banana squash, sliced tomatoes and I had a mango before dinner. My shakes were easy yesterday. I had one with grapefruit oil and one that was chocolate cheese cake, with cream cheese, cocoa powder and graham cracker crumbs. They were yummy as well. I decided it was time to finally make my pumpkin cookies. I doubled the batch so we can take a bunch to the neighbors. I ate a couple, but I did omit some of the sugar. I don't like using all the sugar that recipes call for. I try to cut it in half if I can. With pumpkin cookies, you need sugar to help them taste good, but they also have spices to help with that.

I made it out to the gym last night. I didn't make it very long, but at least I made it. I did some back exercises, core exercises, and rode the bike for 15 minutes while I watched the food network. By the time I was done, I was wiped out. There is a guy that I have there a couple times now, he probably weighs over 300 lbs. I watched as he was lifting weights, laying and lifting his legs and then on the arc machine, much longer than I was on the bike. I was so impressed with him and his motivation to keep going! He did have a trainer with him helping him, but I just felt like, if he can do it, I can do it. I don't have that much weight to lose, but it seems to be so hard for some reason. Mostly because I just don't have the over whelming desire that some people have to exercise and stay in shape. I don't love exercising like some people do, to me, it is just a burden sometimes. But if this guy who, I'm sure has a much harder time than me, can do it, then I need to!

I will make the commitment to go to the gym at least 2-3 times each week. And if I can't make it one night, I will still do something at home like walking or Pilates to at least get something in. So keep me on course! Help me be the best me I can be and stick with it! I need all the motivation I can get! Well, until tomorrow.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Challenge: days 43-45

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was so fun and so full! Friday wasn't to bad. As far as my challenge goes, it was ok. I had my two shakes and some cabbage salad for a snack, that I made to go with our dinner that night. We went camping with our ward and I took turkey burgers and whole wheat buns with the cabbage salad to share. Wasn't to bad at dinner. Had my turkey burger, plain and dry (we didn't take condiments), some cabbage salad, pasta salad and potato salad (not to much of the last two, since they were mayo based). Then someone brought pumpkin cookies, so I had to have one of those, they are some of my favorite! But I did pass up popcorn later and didn't eat to late. Thankfully no one brought any marshmallows, sowe didn't have to worry about all of that.

We stayed over night, which ended up not being as cold as we were expecting. And I must say, camping is much better with a cot to sleep on! I don't sleep well anyway when we go camping, so a cot helps outs some. I ended up sleeping with my daughter in my sleeping bag, since she is the only one who doesn't have her own yet, so to keep her warm, she slept with me, so having her moving during the night, I kept waking up. I was going to bring my shake with me for breakfast, but didn't want to take a cooler just for that, so I decided I would just eat breakfast, but go easy. They did pancakes, fried eggs and ham. I don't like pancakes, so I just had an egg and a few slices of ham, with a cup of hot chocolate. Camping just isn't right without hot chocolate!

After breakfast we packed everything up and since my hubby can't really do a lot of strenuous activities still, I was the one to roll up the sleeping bags and put the cots away. As I was putting things away, Mike told our oldest son to start taking the stakes out of the tent so we could start taking it down when I was done. I was still inside trying to put things away. I got one cot put away and pulled the other from the side of the tent, where I guess it was kind of holding the tent up because it just collapsed on me, or as someone said, it just swallowed me. Thanks to my oldest son and another guy and his son, I was able to finish up getting things out away and then we let it just collapse on itself. Oh, Mike had taken our daughter to the bathroom at the time so he missed the whole thing.

We got on our way and came home to where the first thing I did was take a shower!! I hate feeling dirty and grimy. Then we cleaned house, had lunch, where I had my only shake for the day, since we were able to go out to dinner. With my hubby being on the high council, once a year the stake presidency takes us out for dinner to a nice place. This year we went to Maddox the Lodge! We love Maddox and realized it has been about 3 years since we were last there. I tried to be good. We had salad to start, with the corn bread fingers and rolls (YUM!) and out of all the options we had, I chose the halibut, which I think was kind of breaded, but not heavily, with a baked potato and corn on the cob. I did well and didn't finish everything except my halibut. And of course, we have to have dessert with an outing like that, so they brought us a snickers ice cream pie. It was delicious!

So that ended my Saturday and wouldnt you know, I weighed on Sunday morning and was up two pounds from when I weighed Wednesday, which I half expected, since I had a huge dinner and didn't do so well the rest of the day either, but two pounds I can handle! I can drop that in a day or two. Sunday I did much better, due to Saturdays flop. Had my two shakes, snacks of carrots and some crackers, dinner was BBQ chicken legs, that I don't eat the skin, just the meat, and some butternut squash and green beans. Not a huge meal, which was nice, but then I remembered we had caramel pecan rolls in the freezer still. These were the last two, so I decided we should just get rid of them. They are so good and hit the spot!

Now I am back on track and going to work harder! I will be going to the gym this week! I need some energy and I get that when I go to the gym. I also know that as soon as I start back to a regular exercise routine, I will be able to drop more weight. I have been hovering for the last couple weeks. I don't mind weighing what I do, but I know I can do better, I just need to put my mind to it and do it! And being CONSISTANT is key! Plus I love the food network and I don't have cable at home, so I have to go to the gym to watch it. So I plan to go tonight! I am now half way through the challenge and plan to do better on the second half, so I will keep up the good work and keep pushing myself! So until tomorrow, keep a smile on your face and love in your heart!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Challenge: day 42

Do you ever have days when you feel like things are just not going your way? Thursday's are just really crazy at my house. That is co op day, so I start the day at 6:30 cleaning my garage so I can fit in baskets and produce. Then I make breakfast and get the kids off to school, just to have 3-5 kids come to my house for the day. I don't mind having extra kids here, don't get me wrong, there are just some days that no matter how many times I ask them to stay out of something, they don't listen. Or to not pick the tomatillos and smash them on the back porch. Or not to climb in the peach tree. Yeah, some days are just crazy! Every day after lunch I have the kids pick a movie and we have quiet time with a movie. Lately they have been sitting for about 10 minutes and then they are up and running again, so I don't get any quiet time some days, which I need to stay sane and keep my stress down.

Some days I wonder if stress adds to my munching. I'm sure it does, since those days are the ones that all I want is carbs and just to eat anything I can find. I had my two shakes for breakfast and lunch and did well for dinner. We had chicken and home made French fries with pineapple. And had crackers and cheese for a snack after dinner. So I did pretty good. I just need to eat more veggies. I was planning on a salad with dinner and forgot, so I thought I would have it for a snack later and forgot again. I need to be more conscious of things. I had to run to the store and get some cabbage to make a salad for our ward camp out tonight as well as some almond milk for my shakes, so I got a little walking in.

So I was going to make some pumpkin cookies the other day to take to some neighbors, and I have yet to do that. I have been so busy with cleaning and canning and other things that cookies haven't been made yet, which is good, I might just eat to many of them because they are so yummy. They don't help with my challenge.  I need to try some new things with my shakes though. I noticed in my recipes for them, they have a pumpkin pie recipe, so I will have to try that one. So far I have just tried fruit ones and a peanut butter cup one with cocoa powder and peanut butter, which is really yummy. The other one I really like is blueberry cheesecake. It has cream cheese, blueberries and graham cracker crumbs. I really like that one. So I do get some variety in my shakes.

As far as my DYT challenge, I am still loving the new me! I am still in need of more clothes, I am feeling like I wear the same ones over and over. I am also still looking for lots of gold jewelry! I found a great website after I had bought a bracelet on eBay, that they sell tons of stuff, but all their jewelry was very cheap! 18kt gold plated jewelry with jewels and just pretty for less than $10! With free shipping! You can't beat that! They also had lots of silver as well as clothes and shoes and other things as well. I also need some new shoes! I only have a couple pairs now that fit with my DYT chroma. I am loving it though and I'm always on the look out for new fun and colorful things! Love it.

So tonight we are going to a ward camp out with our ward family. I am hoping it won't be to cold tonight but its even cold here, so in the mountains I'm sure it will be cold! So now I get to go pack some really warm clothes and especially Pjs for everyone, so I better get busy, since I also have a massage today as well. So until Monday, everyone enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Challenge: day 41

So I have gotten into a rut the last couple days. I think it's time for a change again!when I start to make to many bad choices, it's time for something new!

This is the Type 1 in me, needing change all the time. Once things start to get boring or monotonous, it's time for something new. I thought I was doing well yesterday...snack in the morning, sautéed chicken and salad for lunch and then opted to eat dinner with my family.  I made breakfast pizza with a whole wheat dough of olive oil, honey, whole wheat flour and milk. All natural and yummy! Then I top it with some country gravy, scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and ham with cheese. The whole wheat crust is yummy with the breakfast pizza. It is a little more sweet than normal, so it kind of reminds me of a biscuit and gravy type breakfast.

Evenings haven't been too hard to stay away from food, but all of a sudden, I just want to munch at night. So I have decided its time to switch up my plan again. I will go back to shakes for breakfast and lunch and then eat dinner with my family.

I am still very happy with what has come from this challenge so far,  so even if I don't lose anything else from here on out, just knowing that I have tried and made it this far and I am now more healthy than I have been in a long time, it has been worth it. But seeing as how I am only almost half way through, I still have plenty of time for things to change in my favor and to my benefit. So wish me luck and keep sending  all the good vibes my way so I can stay on track.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Challenge: day 40

I must say, making the wrong choices really comes with awful consequences! The last few days, I have not made some of the best choices for snacks and meals and I have realized how bad they were. When my stomach just rolls and is uncomfortable after I eat, you know that wasn't the best choice. When I weigh in and haven't lost anything, or worse, have gained some, I know the choices I have made have been wrong.

Yesterday I had my two shakes, but decided to have left over lasagna, since I was good and didn't have any Sunday night, but that started the stomach rolling and uncomfortableness. Then I drank my dinner shake to fast and just felt to full. Then my hubby decided that we needed to go to Zeppes for gelato, which this place closes for the season in a couple weeks, so Im glad we went, but even a small was hard to get through. The Italian ice itself isn't to bad, it's fat free at least, but the gelato is pretty bad, good thing there isn't to much in it. It was a good treat, and we may not be able to have another until next summer, so I'm ok with it, but I sat and shivered while I ate it, and luckily I didn't feel to full after, but the choice to have it could have been avoided.

I still feel that I am doing pretty good, and I just need to jump back in and get back to a good routine and some better habits and choices. Although I am going to try to make pumpkin cookies today. Our family home evening lesson was on service and the kids decided they wanted to take cookies to some people in our ward, so we will be doing that today, but I like when we give them away because then I don't have to look at them, making dieting easier. Plus we are serving and showing others how much we love them.

Thanks to all for your continued support and love of me. For all the encouraging words and the kindness you show to me each day! Until we meet again....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Challenge: day 39

Not a bad day. I did pretty well with my eating and shakes, two shakes, my chicken breast and steamed cauliflower for lunch, had to finish off some left overs. I was even really good at dinner. I made lasagna for my family, which is something that I love. I was going to have some but I was strong and decided to just have my shake, which worked out well, since we ended up doing cake for family home evening dessert. Overall not a bad day, and I feel good when I put on my jeans and don't have to struggle to do up the button. Love that!

So I opted to have a little cake last night. My youngest son was in charge of our treat for family night. He chose chocolate cake. I opted to find a recipe for cake in a mug that I could just cook individual ones for each of the kids. It was fun also because they got to mix all of their ingredients for their own. Which actually ended up being kind of 10 year old started mixing his and it was so thick. We couldn't figure out why until he said "I put 4 scoops of flour like you said". Hahaha, the recipe calls for 4 tablespoons of flour and 4 tablespoons of sugar. My husband asked if it really said that and said why doesn't it just say 1/4 cup? So I had started out with tablespoons and then switched to a quarter cup measure, but he obviously didn't hear, so he had put in 4 quarter cups. He was so upset that he had done that, we just laughed.

So I wasn't going to do a cake for myself, but ended up adding more ingredients to his and ended up with a big cake. It is actually pretty good cake. I made up some chocolate spiffee whip and we had that in place of frosting or anything else. There are quite a few recipes our there for things like this, this one had a good review and a few suggestions of different things to do with it. Personally, I would either split this with someone or mix up the recipe but pour in two cups. It rose well over the top of the cup and made quite a bit of cake. Here is the link if you are interested:

Try it for yourself, it is something fun to do with the kids! So until next time, keep living life to the fullest!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Challenge: days 36-38

Once again, weekends are kind of hard, but this time it was Sunday. Friday I only did one shake for breakfast, a nice sauteed chicken breast for lunch with a salad and sautéed mushrooms and onions. Now when I say "sautéed", that is not in butter or fat or anything, it is in olive oil. That's how I cook my chicken as well, it's not as healthy for you, but since I use olive oil, it is much better, plus it gives it such a yummy flavor. Anyway, Friday night is usually pizza night at my house, so I was prepared to have my shake. Well, my hubby decided that we needed to go to Village Inn for dinner instead, since we have free kids meal coupons. When we got there, they were already doing free kids meal through the month of September, so we were supposed to get them free anyway. Well, I don't think they gave us all of the kids meals for free, I still paid over $30 for dinner, which shouldn't have been that much. So Mike and I both had the endless fish, which is battered cod with French fries and cole slaw. I traded out my cole slaw for steamed broccoli, and even though it was all you can eat fish, I only made it through the original 3 pieces I was given. One thing about fried foods: after not having them for a while, they just don't settle well. My tummy wasn't exactly the greatest.

Saturday I did much better, probably because of what I had Friday night. I was good and did my two shakes for breakfast and dinner and had a nice lean steak with sautéed mushrooms and onions, with a salad and some fresh cherry tomatoes. Didn't go anywhere or do much on Saturday, so that makes it easy to be good.

Sunday I had my shake for breakfast, but had some home made spicy Mac and cheese for lunch and then by the time I got home from church, even though I had had my small snacks and my energy drink and everything, I ended up really hungry after church and ate dinner with the family. One bonus to the weekend.... I weighed Sunday morning and I am down another 2 pounds!! I was so excited! Even with my bad Friday night, I still was able to lose. This is probably the least I have weighed in over 10 years! I almost got down to this weight before I had my daughter, but the last time I was down to this was probably before my first child was born! I am very confident that I will make my goal of 20 pounds lost in the 90 days of this challenge! So far I am currently down 10 pounds from when I weighed August 5! That was before the challenge, but only 6 weeks ago! Yay for me. I will not say I cheat a lot, because I don't cheat, I just have quite a few days that arent the greatest, so if I can do this, anyone can! I also don't exercise the way I need to. I make it maybe once a week, if I'm lucky. The only time I can go is at night, and by then I am so exhausted I just want to sleep.

So if you don't think you can do this, think again! If I, who loves to eat, who doesn't move a whole lot, and sometimes doesn't have much self control when it comes to treats, can do this, anyone can! I am very confident in this program, it works and you don't have to starve yourself to do it, you still eat snacks and food as well, plus it tastes good! Even the Omega supplement that comes with it, does not have the fishy after taste that most omegas do, so I like taking it, it doesn't gross me out like others do. So if you are interested, let me know so I can hook you up with the right person. Until next time....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Challenge: day 34 & 35

It has been a couple of days since I last posted. Yesterday was out of control at my house. It started off with my oldest son trying to take his DS to school, which we don't allow them to have just whenever they want, so he took it out of my bedroom. So that turned into him throwing things and breaking breaking one of my water cups. Then I had co op as well, which just takes some time.

Wednesday was pretty good. My last two challenge days went well. I weighed a couple days ago and was down two pounds from Sunday, so that is nice. I went to Smiths for a pretty good sale, and to get some free BBQ sauce, and came home with some wheat thin crackers and ritz crackers that are whole wheat. These are great for the kids, but also are good for me. I love wheat thins! I also found some that are wheat thins flat bread that are very yummy and only 60 calories for two crackers. With a little melted cheese on top, they make a great snack, I love them.

I have been grilling up some chicken breasts for lunch, with sautéed mushrooms, and we did some steaks yesterday that I found in the freezer. I have been loving eating this for lunch, and then with a side salad, it has been the perfect lean and green lunch for me.

For my shakes, I was able to get coupons for Silk fruit and protein, which i think is soy milk with fruit. It is quite strong by it self, and at around 130 calories per cup, kind of high for me, but it makes it easy to get a fruity flavor in my shake. So I have been doing half that and half almond milk, which has been really yummy.

Other than this, I just stay way busy all the time with babysitting kids and my own kids. Weekends a nice to take to relax. Oh yeah, my husband and I finished up one of our projects. We finally got our built in entertainment center/shelves put looks so nice! We are very happy. And it keeps the DVD player and video game systems out of reach of kids. Now if we could do something about all the videos. I am way anal about how they are organized and when they get out of pattern I have, it drives me crazy. If I had it my way, they would be on shelf lining the ceiling where only adults can reach. But as it is, I don't have much control over that right now. Anyway, until next time. Keep living!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Challenge: day 33

Fall is finally here! I love fall and have been waiting for the cooler weather. I have been opening my windows at night and when I came down this morning, I almost froze! Looked at the temp outside, it said 47 at 6:30 this morning. No wonder I was freezing. I had to actually close the windows and my poor kids were just shivering. It is nice to have cooler nights though.

With the cooler weather comes the yummy fall produce! I get so excited for squash and peaches and salsa! It takes time to can it all, but it do worth it when you have that all for the next year! Planning a trip to the fruit belt this week. We get paid Friday, so I need to go get some peaches to can and some squash to eat and freeze. I'm trying to get through some of the pumpkin I have in my freezer so I have made pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bars. I am always trying different ways to make things like this more healthy. Wish I had more time and endless ingredients, then I would be in baking mode all the time and trying new things all the time.

I got hooked on a show called DC Cupcakes the last week. It's about two sisters that started a cupcake shop together. They have tons of different kinds of cupcakes and even do huge displays for different things out of cupcakes. They are always trying to come up with new and different cupcakes as well. That made me want to go do the same thing. I don't know about cupcakes, I would just eat them all, but I would love to experiment with different kinds of muffins! Those seem to be my specialty lately and I don't just make a dozen, it's usually 2 or more! I've said for a while now that I would love to go to culinary arts school and learn how to combine ingredients and spices to make yummy tasting things. I have also said I would love to open a bakery and bake anything I wanted and sell them, I think that would be so much fun! Anyway, that's a dream for another day.

So my challenge day went pretty well. Got my two shakes and nice salad of greens, cilantro, cottage
cheese, carrots and celery with a chicken breast with sautéed mushrooms. I felt I did pretty well. 

Spent most of the day on my feet again finishing salsa. I made it to hot the day before so had to add some more tomatoes to calm it down some. It turned out pretty good. Got all the jars processed and now just need to clean them off and put them in the storage.

Since I was going to be on my feet most of the day, I decided to wear my pedometer and see how many steps I take in a day. I ended up with around 10,000 steps and walked about 5k, which is about 3.1 miles. Not bad for just walking around my house all day. I was so exhausted last night. I slept do good until about 3:30 when my hubby woke me up to get the throat spray for him. I was so weak and still so out of it. He asked about the humidifier but I could not even really walk, none the less fill up the humidifier and start it. That's what happens when you go and go all day and don't slow down, you crash hard and can't budge for anything. So now it's a new day to go and go all day again, so until tomorrow....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Challenge: day 32

Do you ever have days when you just want to dance? My day 32 was like that. I don't know quite why, but I have days when I just feel like dancing and that life is just going well.

My challenge day was alright. Got in my two shakes, and for lunch had some left over beef burgundy and peach breakfast cake that I made for the kids for breakfast yesterday. My kids ate their 5 pieces and then my hubby finished off the pan throughout the day. He is still not feeling the best and is now starting to get a head cold which I hope doesn't turn into anything major like bronchitis, which he gets every now and then.

Anyway, I spent most of the day on my feet peeling tomatoes for salsa. It's that time of year when I can and can like crazy to make sure we have enough fruit and other items to make it through to the next year. I love canning and for the last 4 or 5 years, it has been a great way to spend time with hubby. Usually we start cutting fruit and veggies and what not after the kids are in bed, about 8 o'clock and then we work and work until all the fruits are in the jars and then while they process, we play video games. This takes us until about 3 o'clock in the morning when we finally cant keep our eyes open any longer and call it a night. This year, I really don't have it in me to stay up so late, and with a recovering husband, I don't want to make him stay up, nor can he lift or do much anyway, so I have been canning on my own this year. I start in the afternoon and start cutting fruit and then work until its all done. It's a long process, especially by yourself, but I learning it's ok. The hardest part was salsa yesterday. Cutting all the many ingredients for salsa is very time consuming.

So I got all that I was going to cut up for salsa done and mixed up and then on to the tasting, the best part. Well, it was much to hot. Thankfully I didn't use all the tomatoes I had on hand, so I can add the rest of the tomatoes to this batch and it should hopefully tone down the hot from the peppers. It tasted great, was just a little to warm for us. So I will continue today peeling tomatoes for salsa and hopefully I can get it in jars and processed tonight, wish me luck. I'll let you know how it all goes tomorrow. Until then....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Challenge: days 29-31

Why is it that weekends are so much harder than every other day of the week? For some, they are at school or work for most of the day so they don't have the temptation to snack on everything in the house and then on the weekends have their indulgences. For me, I am home all day pretty much every day, so why should the weekends be so hard for me?

Friday was a really bad day! Had my shake for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and had every intention of  doing my shake at dinner, but then decided I wanted to try these Italian brats my hubby got, but I chose to buy whole wheat buns, and make my own fries, baked with some olive oil and lots of veggies. Then we did our back to school party with the kids. We went to Fat Cats for bowling, glow golf and some breadsticks came with it. We had a groupon we were using. These breadsticks were huge and very yummy! So didn't do to bad until dinner.

Saturday was better than Friday, but for lunch I had a tostada sandwich with my hubby, we had buy one get one free coupons, but I stuck to my shake for dinner. I took dinner to a family in our ward, and for there is an unwritten rule that you have to take dessert with dinner, so I made up some brownies, which I only had two, which is two to many, but then my kids and hubby finished them off so I didn't have to see them anymore.

Sunday's are always so much easier for some reason, so I did my shake for breakfast and lunch and had home made beef burgundy for dinner, which is easy and yummy. You eat it over pasta. I also had some salad and steamed cauliflower. When I weighed yesterday, I had only lost .6 ounces since last week, which is not very good, but since I have been going at this for over 30 days now, I measured again. As of this morning, I have lost and 1/2 inch off each arm, nothing else off hips, measured 1/2 inch larger on each leg (which I hope is just from getting back to the gym here and there), but I lost 3
more inches off my stomach! That's a total of 5 inches so far gone from my stomach! Stomach fat is the worst fat to have hanging around, so I am so thrilled! Yes, I would love to lose 20 pounds, but even if I see there progress in inches lost, I am fine with staying the same weight.

I would love to be super skinny like a lot of women I know don't get me wrong, but if you were look at my skeleton, I don't think I would ever be a size 6. Well, maybe if I had a flat tummy and a flat booty maybe, but that would just look silly I think. Even in high school, I don't think I was ever much smaller than an 8. The dress I wore at graduation was a size 7, but dresses are measured a little different. I still have that dress and wish I could fit into it. I think I was about 10 when I got married almost 12 years ago. I remember buying bareback jeans from a neighbor (since I thought I was such a
cowgirl and all), and I remember they were a size 12, that was my junior or senior year. So even as a teen I wasn't the skinniest around, I even ran a lot in high school.

After getting married, I slowly gained weight and then kids started coming along. It was fairly easy
for me to lose the baby weight after my first, but then came twins and lots of stress and not really taking care of myself, so I gained and gained. I got up to a size 18 and I was pushing 190+! That was when I finally woke up and decided something needed to change! I got on Weight Watchers and was doing well. I lost over 20 pounds, which was huge! But then is tarted getting lazy and didnt gain much back, but wasn't losing either. I then got pregnant with my daughter and had such a different pregnancy than all the others. I only gained about 11 pounds the whole pregnancy and then lost more than that the day I had her. It was great, but then I started gaining again. For the last two years though, I have been able to stay pretty consistently within 5 pounds up or down.

I thought to lose more weight would be great and that's all I've been able to focus on, but now, just seeing the inches I've lost so far, makes me so excited to keep going, to try harder to make my choices more consistent and more healthy for myself. I may never be a skinny bean pole that can eat anything, or even the one that goes to the gym everyday to slim down, but I will continue to keep at it and keep working hard so that i can proudly say I have done what I can to look and be my best! I am very happy with the results so far and can only imagine that the next 59 days will be just as great and the benefits will be even more better than I have seen this far! I will continue to stay accountable for what I do and eat and know that even on a day or week when I don't do so well, I can always start over the next day and recommit myself. So until tomorrow, keep being you and keep looking to the stars!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Challenge: day 28

What s fun party last night! Didn't do so well for my challenge. Well, I did good. I still had my shakes and some spaghetti for lunch with whole wheat noodles and home made sauce with some steamed cauliflower on the side. I had a smaller portion of spaghetti, but lots of cauliflower. For some reason I love steamed or roasted cauliflower, but not so much raw. I think it might the grainy texture of raw cauliflower. I'm the same way with broccoli, love it cooked, but not so much raw. Anyway, I can't make chocolate chip pumpkin bars without having one...or two. :( yeah, I'm setting myself back so much lately. Wish I could say it is easy to just do two shakes a day and one meal, plus snacks. It's really not. But I must say, I don't crave sweets anymore. I still love a brownie or cookie now and then, but I don't go scavenge my kitchen looking for the chocolate chips or sugar packets anymore. I am in control of my body!! I now choose to have a treat now and then. I choose how much food to eat and when to stop! I have never felt this much control over my eating and cravings! I must say, I feel free! I love it!

I am so truely blessed! Starting the 90 day challenge and then discovering Dressing Your Truth, I feel like my life has just improved leaps and bounds! Even though I still have extra weight hanging on and "muffin top" above my jeans, DYT has helped to realize I am still beautiful and that with the right clothes and colors, I can hide the little "imperfections" that make up me. So now I am on a mission to find the right clothes, shoes and purse for me! So the challenge is on! I also will not spend much money on the things I need, so my frugal shopping will come in handy! Wish me luck trying to find the things I need. I was so fortunate to have a good friend go through her clothes and donated many great tops to my cause, so now I am looking for cute jeans and skirts. I am all for hand me downs! They are cheap and already preshrunk!

So for my challenge, I am back on wagon, hope that's right term, and I shouldn't have to cheat until the beginning of October when Mike and I go away for our anniversary, then I will have to cheat some. We are going on 12 years of being happily married! He is my best friend and my better half and I don't know where I would be without him! I love him so much! We have so much fun together! So until tomorrow my dear readers, keep loving life and find what makes you happy!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Challenge: day 27

Day 27 was a good day! Not bad, considering all I've done. Today will be even more busy, but it takes days to prepare for a party! Had my two shakes and then a baked potato with chili beans, lettuce, cheese, salsa, cottage cheese and a little ranch. I couldn't finish it, I only ate just over half, which is good, I am learning when to stop instead of stuffing myself. I snacked on celery toady, which was actually really yummy. I'm not a huge fan of celery, but this particular stalk was actually really sweet, not bitter like it sometimes is.

Didn't make it out to exercise that night, but I helped my hubby by finished up the painting of the siding for the shed. I roller painted 5 big sheets of siding. It was a workout on my arms, so at least I got something. On the plus side, the shed is almost done! My brother will come on Saturday to put the shingles on and then all we have left is the siding and to mount door and windows. Well, then the trim, but after the major things, I can finally clean out my garage and have it back for my car and produce day! Yay!

Now today is a busy day! I will be baking some pumpkin bars and I'm not sure what else, maybe some cheese cake brownies or something for the party tonight! I wanted to make a fall treat, and what better fall treat than pumpkin! Yum! So this post is short, but you will find me in my kitchen cooking and cleaning if you want to chat. Till tomorrow....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Challenge: day 26

Talked with my mentor yesterday, since I need to order more stuff. He, in a round about, but nice way, told me I need to eat better. But he did say I am doing good. I'm not one to take constructive critism very well, I am like a little kid that stole something and gets in trouble. I felt like I was in so much trouble, but I know Im not. It is my choice, he just wants me to choose the best choice to help me in the long run. I will take his suggestions though and try harder to apply them each day. I look up to and respect him, so I need to try harder. But I did say I need to be accountable to someone other than myself and my husband, so I need to accept what I've done, but move on and just do better.

So with that said, I am making pumpkin bars and something else for my Scentsy and Usborne books party tomorrow night. LOL! But I will try not to eat any, and on Friday whatever is left is going to be taken to friends, I will not keep it around! How's that for a plan?! I have become more disciplined, I will give myself that! I can buy something for my kids, or my husband, and not get anything for myself, or buy something that is a better choice for myself. I feel that overall, I am doing really well with the life long changes, even though the weight isn't coming off as fast as I would like, I am still losing inches, my energy is back up, and I am learning to choose better options for food. I even chose to go to the gym last night and spent almost an hour. I did my core exercises, abductor/adductor machines, which work your thighs and then 25 mins on the alliptical, until my feet were falling asleep. Weird, who's feet fall asleep while they are walking? Apparently mine.

So this shakes for breakfast and lunch have worked out well, I actually quite like it. Yesterday for lunch I had a little left over spaghetti and by a little, I mean like 1/4 worth, it was hardly anything. And a salad with ham and fat free cottage cheese. Had reduced fat wheat thins crackers as a snack and a very yummy peanut butter cup shake for dinner. I felt like I was having dessert for dinner! Yumm! Cocoa powder and peanut butter in the shake, with some ice, oh it was good!  So I will continue to do breakfast and dinner and I can just have left overs from the night before or cook up a chicken breast and have a salad for lunch. It is kind of weird making dinner for my family and then not eating it with them. But I do still sit with them because that is the most important thing about dinner is just being together as a family!

So wish me luck! Keep sending good vibes my way and keep pushing me and keeping accountable for myself! Thanks for letting me blog about my mishaps and my achievements and letting me know when I am doing good and keep encouraging me when I falter and need a little push! You guys are great and my greatest support! Thank you!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oatmeal muffins

As I have said many times, I love baking, but more than baking, I love eating and especially muffins! So here are a couple recipes that I got from my All Recipes app, but I have tweaked them to accommodate my family and to be a little mor healthy with less sugar. So here are a couple:

Oatmeal muffins

4 eggs
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup applesauce
1 cup milk
2 cups oat flour
1 1/2 cup quick oats
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 400. Whisk together eggs, brown sugar, applesauce and milk in a bowl until smooth. Stir flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda and salt into wet ingredients to make batter. Fill muffin cups.bake until cooked through, about 15-20 minutes.

To make oat flour: put quick oats in food processor or in mill grinder to make flour.

These muffins are kind of heavy being all oats, but are yummy and filling. They also make at least 2 dozen regular size muffins.

Banana muffins

3 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup honey
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/2 applesauce
1 cup plain yogurt
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups mashed bananas (or about 4 bananas)
Chocolate chips or chopped walnuts

In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, combine egg, honey, oil, yogurt, vanilla and bananas. Stir into dry ingredients until just moistened. Fold in chocolate chips or walnuts. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Until done through.

This recipe makes at least 2 dozen regular size muffins. I make huge batches, then put then in freezer bags and put in freezer so my hubby and kids can pull them out and eat whenever they want. I will usually split this recipe and put chocolate chips in half and walnuts in the other half (kids like chocolate chip, hubby likes walnuts). These are a little different with the honey in them, but still really yummy. Enjoy!

Chicken cordon bleu and cobbler

Yum, yum! I love cooking and coming up with my own recipes! Chicken cordon bleu is one of my favorite dishes an you can make it home really easy and so much more healthy! And I love dessert, that is my one down fall, so why not try to make it healthy and easy as well! So here are my renditions of a couple of my favorites, these are my own original concoctions so there is no exact recipe.

Chicken Cordon Bleu

6 chicken breasts
6 slices Swiss cheese
Italian bread crumbs (or make your own with plain breadcrumbs, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, and dried basil)
2 eggs

Clean chicken breasts and flatten with a mallet or heavy pan (like I did). Cut ham into small cubes. On each chicken breast, sprinkle with dried chives and dried parsley, then add Swiss cheese and ham. Fold together to create a pouch and secure with toothpicks. Repeat with each chicken breast. Beat eggs and dip each chicken in egg, then roll in breadcrumbs. Place in baking dish and bake at 375 for about 30 mins, or until no longer pink inside. Serve with steamed veggies, potatoes, etc.

Peach-blueberry cobbler

About 6-8 fresh peaches
1 large container fresh blueberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 strawberry cake mix

I have a pan set that cook like dutch ovens that I cook this in, so you can either cook in a Dutch oven or bake at 350 for about 20-30 mins. If you bake it, cut butter over the top.

Put peaches and blueberries in a bowl, add sugar and stir to coat. Let sit for about 10+ minutes. Put fruit in baking pan or dutch oven. Cover with dry cake mix and cook until fruit juices have bubbled through the cake mix. Serve warm with cool whip or ice cream.

I hope you like these recipes, they are very easy to make and are so yummy! If you like these and other recipes that I have shared, please pass along this blog and share the fun!

Challenge: days 23-25

Wow, a holiday weekend really throws a wrench in a diet! Saturday was a great day with lots of fun and family. I helped my hubby paint some siding for the shed, which was a lot of fun, but he can't do much so I had to get my 10 year old to help me move it to dry. Then we went to my brother in laws for dinner, where I was able to get rid of most of my clothes and jewelry. We had a great dinner of deli sandwiches and pasta salad and dessert. I did eat to much, as usual. I did do my two shakes earlier in the day, knowing I would be eating dinner.

Fast Sunday's are always nice, because then I won't be eating until dinner, so it's easy to eat less. I made chicken cordon bleu with mashed potatoes and gravy and peas. It turned out great! I love to cook! Then we had dessert that was cobbler with some whipped cream. The cobbler I made was peach-blueberry, with strawberry cake. It was so good, my hubby loved it do much, he finished off by the time we went to bed. I will share my recipes for these dishes in the next post.

Monday we decided to take the family and to fishing at one of the community ponds in salt lake.we couldnt find the first one we were looking for, so we decided to go to lunch. We had a groupon for a Hawaiian restraint that we wanted to try, but they ended up being closed. So we got some baked chicken and potato salad and found the other fishing pond and ate lunch and fished for a while, then we came home and just chilled the rest of the night. It was a good day.

So as of Saturday morning, I have lost 8 pounds since before I started this challenge! Yay! I am almost 1/3 of the way through and plan to lose even more! Just keep moving, just keep moving!

Loving life and having fun until next time!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Challenge: day 22

Another day down and what did I do? I spent more money! So here is the low down:

In the last two and a half weeks we have replaced the battery in our van ($40), Mike had emergency appendix surgery (over $18,000, if we didn't have insurance, not sure what our portion is yet), replaced battery in truck ($100) only to put it back in and have it still not start, so now it's something else, and our vacuum pedal broke and when I called to ask how much it would cost to have it fixed, they said they discontinued that model and there is no way to get a pedal to fix it, so we had to trade it in for new vacuum ($500), what a crazy month! On top of all the craziness, we are trying to finish the shed and build a built in entertainment center. Life could not be more fun!

I did pretty well with my Vi challenge yesterday. I feel like the shake for breakfast and dinner is working out well. But we had pizza for lunch, since Mikes dad, brother and nephews were here helping us put roof panels on the shed, we decided the least we could do is feed them lunch. But then just a shake for dinner and then after shopping for a vacuum, we found a little frozen yogurt place nearby called Menchy's. It was very yummy! We loved it.

So life is just crazy, busy and stressfull most days, but I am loving it and enjoying the roller coaster ride! So until Monday...keep on living!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Challenge: day 20 & 21

My challenges have been going really well. With my 90 day challenge I changed things up and started eating lunch and doing shake at breakfast and dinner. Surprisingly I have been fine with this. I am not even that hungry in the evening anymore. I did have a little snack last night, but just a little one. I feel good and look forward to the rest of this challenge!

We went to the Brigham City temple open house yesterday first thing in the morning. My kids weren't very happy that we needed to leave by 6:45 to get there on time. It was very nice though. We didn't have to wait for a lot of people. We were able to get right in and right out. It such a beautiful temple! There is even a painting inside the front door of a lady picking peaches! I just loved it and can't wait to do some temple work there!

As far as my dressing your truth challenge, it has been hard to pair some of the clothes that I currently have, since it's just a random assortment of things at the moment. I even have to revamp my shoes, since most of them are black. I need more browns and grays and definitely colors! I am still loving being able to be myself and wear things that make me feel good!

I also feel like a little chef lately! I have baking up a storm, especially today, but I did make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and banana chocolate chip muffins the other day. I double the batches and then put them in freezer bags and stick in the freezer. My hubby likes to take a couple to work and it's great for something quick for the kids for breakfast. I have also been trying to revamp recipes, so i will post them later, I'm trying to healthify my baking some. So until next time...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Challenge: day 19

I did pretty well yesterday for my challenge, considering everything. Did my shakes, but then made some fresh salsa, which is all veggies and spices, so very good for you, until you add the salty, fried corn chips to the mix, then you can't just stop at a couple, right? Oh how I love salsa! Usually I have made and enormous batch by now and we have canned it, but my tomato plants looked awful this year and never got fruit. Then my garden has become overrun with weeds this year anyway and I haven't taken the time to keep up with it, so the only produce I really got to enjoy this year, was peas. Oh and my hubby decided to mow down all the weeds in the garden and shoot them with roundup, yeah well, he mowed down my carrots and tomatoes, so they just had not possibility of being fruitful anyways. I am not concerned though. My father in law has been bringing me tomatoes here and there and I finally had enough to make a good size batch of salsa. I also got 7 jars canned a few weeks ago.

So my canning this year will come from Brigham City where they have the most yummy peaches and tons of fresh produce! I need to can peaches and salsa for sure this year!

Anyway, I made salsa, so I had to try it! For dinner my hubby and I talked of going to Chili's since they had free kids meals this week. We love Chili's! I wasn't wanting to go spend money, so I thought we could just stay home and make our own Chili's with salad and quesadillas. Mike, having been stuck in the house for a week now, with me and the kids, and other people's kids, was going stir crazy, and said we just needed to go. It was very yummy! They have changed things there and have even added some to their menu. One thing they added I decided to try, is called roasted red pepper grilled chicken. It was a huge piece of chicken with melted cheese and this very yummy roasted red pepper sauce with rice and steamed broccoli. It was so yummy! Had just enough kick. And the chicken was grilled, so much better for you! I feel I chose well.  I even ate less and took some home for lunch tomorrow.

The one really bad thing, was that we had to get the paradise cookie. It is to die for, especially if you are a coconut lover! It is a bar that has a crust, chocolate chips and then a coconut cookie dough, all cooked together into one bar. Then they top it with ice cream and caramel and chocolate and nuts. I was good and split it with Mike, but let him eat my ice cream, but I did eat have the bar and some caramel and chocolate. Boy was it good.

Didn't make it to the gym. Since I had eaten such a big dinner, I didn't want to go exercise that way. We really need to finish painting the siding for our shed and we were going to do that, but it was so hot yesterday and I have kids that need to be supervised at bed time for some reason. They can't just go to bed and stay, they have to continually come in and bug us, and if we aren't there to acknowledge them, they start to get into things, usually food in the pantry, so we decided to watch our disc of Criminal Minds instead. Which was fine, I like just relaxing and enjoying time with the hubby.

I have decided with my challenge that I am going to try something a little different. I am going to try doing shakes at breakfast and dinner and eat lunch and see how this does for me. Maybe I can burn a few more calories this way and not be so famished by dinner time that I over eat, so wish me luck and I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Challenge: day 18

What a great day! My kids went back to school yesterday! Yay! They were all so excited! My 1st grader was nervous that he was going to sleep past the bus coming, but he got right up and was ready to go.

Now to focus on myself and the kids I watch for a few hours each day. My hubby is even getting better. He is getting antsy to get out and do stuff. I am enjoying just being me and dressing my truth! I feel incredible! My hubby said it will take some getting used to with the gold jewelry, which I am really coming to love! He also wonders how he will be able to shop for me anymore. He loves to buy clothes for me, and he is actually pretty good at picking out cute outfits! I'll just have to teach him about fabrics and shapes and colors. He will do fine.

My challenge day was pretty good. Got in my shakes, and a pretty good dinner of pulled pork on whole wheat buns with pasta salad and broccoli and cauliflower. I didn't even eat anything after coming home from the gym last night! What? Yeah, I actually went to the gym last night? And by myself no less. I just park myself on the aliptical in front of the food network and watch people cook. I love it! I get some pretty good ideas from there. One of these days I want to go to culinary arts school! I love cooking, and obviously food, since I have a hard time getting off weight! I love to concoct new dishes and recipes, some of which can be found in the recipes tab on the side. I love to try to cook healthy, that is a huge thing for me, even though I love sugar and don't use a lot of organic or whole wheat items all that often, I try to make it as healthy as I can, with what I have!

So I feel I did well yesterday and hope for a little pay off from my gym excursion last night. Hope to go again tonight or at least mow the lawn, if you 10 year old won't do it, that will be my exercise tonight. But that's what's great is we can get exercise in little things, like house work and yard work, especially if you are breaking a sweat like I do most of the time. So, until tomorrow...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Energy profiling

In my last post I talked a little about Dressing Your Truth. Some of you may have heard of this and some of you probably have no idea what I am talking about.

I have a sister in law that lives by this! About a year ago she let me borrow a book, that I started to read and then just put it aside, it was a little over my head and I didn't want to give it a chance. I wasn't much into reading at the time (I tend to go in spurts) and so I gave it back to her. And really I didn't want to have anything to do with anything or anyone who was going to tell me how to dress. I felt that I dressed nice when I wanted to and the rest of the time, I just wore what looked ok with whatever pants I was wearing that day.

The Olympics started a while ago and I saw a post that shared on Facebook by one of my friends and it had a picture of one of the USA Olympians and it asked "what type do you think she is". At this point I am curious, it's been long enough, I didn't know what it was, not that I did before, because I never read the book.

I clicked on the link and the next day I had emails in my inbox that were quite intriguing! She goes through an energy profile of how you act and react to life. This was quite fun to learn about. So this was exactly what my sister in law was trying to get me involved in a hear ago that I just brushed off. I was being stubborn.

So I am a type 1, very much so, and I love how watching these videos made me feel. It has been a long time since such strong confidence in myself and a desire to be happy and be all I can be. That combined with the 90 challenge, has just made feel incredible.

After watching all of the energy profiling videos, I purchased the Dressing Your Truth course and have discovered that I have been dressing the wrong way! No wonder I feel so frumpy and like I
never have anything to wear, but I have a closet full of clothes! So I got my materials in the mail and 
have been having fun going through and cleaning out my closet and everything that I wear. I have 
been wearing the wrong colors, and especially the wrong jewelry! After going through my closet and 
knowing I will not wear black anymore, that took out half my skirts and half my skirts! By the time I 
was done going through clothes I had about 4 shirts that were still ok.

I have a friend that is very clothes savvy and she told me a while ago that she was going through her
closets and had some clothes for me, so I was desperate. I called her and said I needed clothes, so I
came home with two trash bags full of clothes. I went through them with my color card and trying
things on and didn't keep much of what she gave me, and adding that to the ones I pulled from my closet, I have about 3 trash bags full! That's just clothes!

Then I started on my jewelry! I should wear shiny gold jewelry, plus lots of colors. I have mostly silver, so this has been the hardest and biggest change for me! I did have a couple items that are gold, so I went and bought a couple more. Now I need to have a clothing and jewelry swap with some friends so we can all revamp our wardrobes!

I have not had so much self confidence or loved myself for who I am in I dont know how long. It is great to finally feel that way! I am loving life and myself and it all started with the energy profiling videos that Carol Tuttle has. If you need a change in your life and don't know what, I encourage you to start here. Go to and see for your self what type you are and what this program can do for you. Until next time...

Challenge: day 16 & 17

Did anyone else's kids start school today or last week? It is such a nice feeling to send my kids off to school and know I don't have to worry about them until after 3! I have been looking forward to this day for a couple weeks now! It's finally here!

My weekend went well, I think because of looking forward to today, plus the fact that I haven't gained weight in the last week, which is good, but I seem to not be losing much. I'm sorry if my posts seem to be so bland and boring lately. I don't have many exciting and life changing experiences every single day, so you get the monotonous day to day things I do. So Saturday we decided to start on our entertainment center. We are so excited! We decided that since Mike is laid up for a week and cant do much, that we could start on this project inside that won't take lifting, and most of it I can do, with his math skills.

We have a dear friend who works for a woodworking company who cut the shelves for us and stained them. They are going to look great. We cut the supports on Saturday, so I sent them back with him to stain the ends, so as soon as we get those back, we will be in full swing! We can't wait! I will post pics when it is all finished!

I am so blessed with such great people around me and for those in my ward who help me so much. I decided it wouldnt really work well to make my kids try to sit with someone at church while I lead in sacrament meeting, so I called and asked someone to fill in for me. She was so willing to help out. Mike wanted to go to sacrament, so he was there with us, but he can't pick up our 2 year old or try to get kids to settle down, he just can't do much. The best thing I have ever made was file folder games! I made these years ago before I even had kids, and they have been well used! They are fabulous for church, they keep the kids quiet. I decided my daughter was probably old enough now to play them, and it entertained all the kids so well at church, I was actually able to listen for once!

As far as my challenge, I am doing pretty good. Trying to eat more veggies, but that is kind of tough some days. Loved dinner last night! I made eggplant and spaghetti! Yum! I just slice my eggplant, dip in egg and then cover in bread crumbs and fry in a little oil. Put some spaghetti sauce over top and oh, it's so yummy! And carrots later for dessert. I am planning to do more exercising this week, then maybe I can start dropping pounds faster. I already feel better and now that I am Dressing My Truth, I am looking good to, even if I'm not the skinny minnie I want to be. But I am on my way! Thinking positive and having lots of support from everyone helps out so much!

Thanks to my friends who text me out of the blue, just to say way to go, you are doing great, keep it up! And those who always compliment me, even on the days I don't feel my best! If it weren't for all of you, I would have given up a long time ago! Here's to a new me and a most wonderful life, full of challenges and rewards! I am truly blessed!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Challenge: day 15

Here I am, two weeks into this, 1/4 of the way done, which doesn't seem like much. I feel that I really haven't been trying very hard, which I haven't. And it does show! But I have also had a few things come into the mix, like camping, which I expected and did pretty good, but could have done better, and an unexpected surgery for my hubby that zapped my energy and motivation to do anything, plu I am taking care of him and my 5 kids, and a couple others, so by the time the day is over, I am wiped and can't bring myself to do much of anything.

On a more positive note, I am down about 3 lbs since day 1, which seems really awful, but with as little exercise as I have done, its to be expected. But I have stayed the same weight for over a week, so not bad, since I'm not gaining. Also a pretty big thing is how many inches you lose. I don't know how to figure that exactly, but I have lost 1/2 - 2 inches throughout my body. So I am seeing some results, which is wonderful! So I am starting to see results and I still have plenty of time to start dropping lbs!

 I still love the program and I still think my favorite is the energy drinks. These have saved me the last couple days with my lack of sleep from tuesday night and trying to catch up. All morning I am so exhausted and tired and by the afternoon all I want to do is lay down, but there is so much to do, so I can't just lay down and sleep any time I want to. With my energy drink I have been able to stay awake and alert and keep going. Still loving life! Until next time.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Challenge: day 14

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you can't muster up enough energy to get much done? I have really been feeling this way for a couple of days. I did so good monday night to clean my kitchen and have clean counter tops, now it's all I can do to even get the dishes in the dishwasher. I hope this is just the after effects of tuesday nights fiasco. Mike is doing pretty good. Still in some pain and uncomfortable, but doing ok.

Yesterday's challenge day went pretty good. Stuck to my shakes, but it was back to school night and they had Pizza Hut pizza, which is my favorite. I was trying to be so good, but my bad side came out and I had a piece. But just one, and I passed up all the cookies they had. So i feel I did good.

I have to say, I am very excited for the kids to go back to school. They seem to be as well, so we are getting everything ready. Got out the school clothes and getting them washed and ready to wear, book bags are ready, we met their teachers, they will be great, so now we need to get back into the swing of homework and reading. Dont know if I am ready for that yet, but I guess I will be when it gets here. So until tomorrow. Take care world.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Challenge: days 12 & 13

Man how exhaustion can come so quickly when you are deprived sleep!

The last two days of my challenge have been up and down! Day 12 went really well! I stuck to the plan and even passed up eating anything extra at the hospital. Yeah, the hospital. It seems like there is something with the hospital that screams "free food" or something that makes me want to eat. Or it could be the fact that 8 years ago I had twins in the NICU at McKay Dee hospital and I figured out really quick that they have the BEST snicker doodle cookies I have ever had! I think I ate one everyday while they were there.

Anyway, the reason for the hospital visit was, thankfully not for me, but for my dear husband! He had been having abdomen pain off and on since the night before and by 7 that night, he couldn't take it anymore. Ibuprofen hadn't touched it at all and he was in pain, so we went down to the ER and they did a pelvic X-ray thinking it was kidney stones. I guess that didn't turn up much, so they did a CT scan on his pelvis and came saying they had to take his appendix out. They say it is supposed to be about the size of the tip of your pinky finger and it was bigger than his thumb! Poor guy was rushed into surgery and had the little bugger taken out. I tried to get some sleep while waiting, but that is nearly impossible when you are trying to sleep in a chair.

I took my powerade and drank some of it, but resisted the urge to run to the cafeteria or out to a nearby fast food place. I was to nervous and anxious to eat anything anyway. So I feel I did well. That day. I left the hospital around 2:30 that night and came home to sleep for a few hours before my kids got up and wanted breakfast and I had to go back to the hospital to get Mike.

Yesterday I didn't do so well. I had my shake in the morning, but on the way back from the hospital to get my kids some lunch, I passed the new Kneaders down town and decided to stop to get the kids a cookie. They had a double chocolate frosted brownie that I just couldn't pass up, it looked so yummy. So I ate that with my lunch of leftovers. I was so exhausted and thought it might be best if I ate regular food. Then my dear friend brought us noodle bake and French bread for dinner, I couldn't pass that up either. So I ate to much yesterday. I did weigh yesterday morning and I was down about 2 lbs from Sunday, so I am seeing progress, I just need to be more strict with myself and not eat something because I can't pass it up.

Exercise had been minimal the last couple days, obviously. Nothing Tuesday, but last night the lawn needed to be mowed, and since Mike can't do much right now and my oldest son won't do it either, I am next in line. So I put on my Hot Pants and went out and mowed the lawn. I was sweating pretty good by the time I got done, so hopefully that means something. So today I am still exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open, so we'll see what today brings. So until tomorrow....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Growing up I hated camping and fishing and anything that had to do with the outdoors. I tried to carry that into my marriage, but when Mike and I decided to go camping for the first time a couple years after we were married, I have not been able to carry that since. I decided that when I was younger I didn't like being cooped up with my siblings. We also would always go camping to Island Park reservoir and we would sit on the bank all day with our fishing poles out there just waiting to catch something. I more than hated fishing for this reason. I thought it was so boring so I learned to bring books or cross stitches that I was working on at the time and sit out in the sun and try to stay busy.

When Mike and I decided to go camping and fishing a couple years into our marriage, I didn't know if I was going to enjoy it or not. We bought fishing licenses for Wyoming, we camped at Grays River, in a tent, which I had only done a handful of times before because we had a trailer growing up. He also taught me how to fish in the river, which I absolutely loved!

So over the last almost 12 years of marriage, we have been camping quite a fe times and fishing lots of times! We love the river fishing and were able to go into the high Uintas last year for our anniversary and I was pulling spawning cocane salmon out of the river right and left. When they spawn they turn red, so it was so fun to see all these red fish in the river. That was my most memorable fishing/camping trip and anniversary!

This year, we decided to go somewhere different.  We decided on Starvation Reservoir, which is right about Deushne. Once you get past Heber City through the next canyon, it all of the sudden gets so baron! It is all desert! Lots of sand, sage brush, jack rabbits and lizards. Camping was much different, since it was mostly sandy.  We even got our can stuck once and had to find someone to pull us out.

My kids are good at making new friends wherever we go, and they made friends with some people that were fishing for crawdads. It was so much fun, we will definitely be doing that again! It is really easy. You just tie a chicken leg in a piece of twine to a stick and put it out there like a fishing pole and just wait. That crawdads come out from under sticks and rocks and grab onto the chicken and you slowly pull them up and catch them with a net. They were going to have a crawdads boil and eat them, they say they are really good.

The kids also had fun playing in the reservoir and trying to stay cool, it was pretty warm during the day. Warm days and cool nights are so wonderful! We also had a little rain here and there. One night we decided to make the hour plus drive to Vernal. They have a sit down Pizza Hut, where we had dinner. We also wanted to drive by and see the temple there. It is very different. It's not white like most are, it is brick. We also went to the Museum of natural history there, where they had lots of dinosaur fossils that were dug in the Vernal area. Really fun.

By the end we were so exhausted and just wanted to get home, so we just packed up first thing and took off when we were ready. We stopped back in Heber City and had lunch and let the kids play at the park and then on to home. It really was the most wonderful camping trip full of fun and crawdads! We plan to make it back there another time. Hope your family camping trips are just as uh fun as ours have been! Now on to planning the next one!